Start and end of gains on test e 600mg per week


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At 600mg of test e per week when would the best period of gains begin. Also which week would the gain begin to just level out on a cruise
Should kick in round week 4. Thats when you'll start gaining fast. You'd drop to cruise levels roughly around 3weeks after dropping your dose.
It differs for everyone man... Some people say 2 weeks, some people say 4, it took me around 5-6 to start feeling it. Once you feel it you will notice though, your muscles will feel much more full/hard... You will notice an increase of size, decreased body fat. Overall better feeling! About 2-3 weeks after your last pin, you will notice it decreasing, hence proper PCT. Hope everything goes well.
Should kick in round week 4. Thats when you'll start gaining fast. You'd drop to cruise levels roughly around 3weeks after dropping your dose.

But if I weren't to drop to cruise levels and stay at 600mg when would the results stop being a drastic and just be maintained? Bassically what I'm asking is the way week 8-12 are where u make the best results on a 12 week test e cycle. When would results not be as good as they where in week 8?
Hard to say. It's obviously slightly different for everyone. Personally I find gains start to slow after week 12 on a test e cycle... But I front load too.
my gains leveled out right as my cycle ended. weeks 10-12 i stayed within 3lbs of current weight. I suppose if I increased calories even more I would have continued growing the last 2 weeks. I think the gains will keep coming as long as you have the calories to grow.
IMO the reason why most stop gaining towards the end of their cycle is simply because they aren't eating enough to support or build the new mass...

More muscle means more muscle to be fed means even more food to grow.
Theoretically speaking if u ran just 500mg test weekly for a year you could gain the whole
Year if u trained and increase calories as u gain.

Or is there a tolerance facotor with AAS? Aka you need more to gain even while changin other factors a such as training and diet?
Theoretically speaking if u ran just 500mg test weekly for a year you could gain the whole
Year if u trained and increase calories as u gain.

Or is there a tolerance facotor with AAS? Aka you need more to gain even while changin other factors a such as training and diet?

It's both the fact I stated above, most people not being able to continue to increase their caloric intake to keep gaining more mass as well as after sometime catabolic hormones do catch up, cortisol/myostatin etc... Hence why you would grow far more doing, for examples sake, 10 weeks @ 250mg then 10 weeks @ 750mg and repeat rather than stay on 500mg year round.