Starting, And Now

im trying to atleast get 2g of protein per lb i am. im 195 now as we speak. i put up my diet regimen for people to critique cause i would like to improve myself. but not many went onto it.
you are the guy which is running anadrol and bdol?
if it's you... stop it ASAP.
LOL hell no im not running those. i was on dbol, im on Winstrol (winny) now running test. that wasnt even on any of my threads?
What the hell is with all this pissing and shitting 10x's a day!! And drinking 2 gallson of H20!!!!! 1 Question-HOW???? I seriously can barely drink 1 gallon a day (and I sit at a desk ALL day long).
If its true I need to follow your techniques.

Hey im with you man, I dont get done with my SINGLE gallon of water until 11pm-ish, shit is hard! I WILL tell you though, since I've been religously drinking a FULL gallon of water a day I feel way better and stronger, look fuller too.
lol you try eating that much an drinking that much. your body wont let you take in an hold it. i try an keep as active as i can. maybe thats why i can do what i do. IDK!, ive been able to put down drinks/fluids like no other for quite some time. idk if its just my stomach cause it can hold alot. or if it just got use to everything. IDK i cant tell you, im not my body
and rebump, bored, lets hear the comments

im not trying to be a dick or anything but i honestly think your progress has been negative. beforehand you were skinny but had a little definition and now youre looking heavier but youre built like a square. not a good look. if youre training hard and eating like youve posted i think you woulda had better results without the dbol. get off the dbol, leave the winy alone. just my thoughts. if youre hellbent in juicing then jump on test, but step up the training and reach at least somewhere near your genetic potential first...
im trying different techniques as we speak. im a consistant runner. as most people said its effecting me. i can lift the weight like no other. its not an issue. as posted i had a 130lb curl before my arm decided to be a bitch. weight is no issue. im a strong little beast. also, as i said before... not everyone is built the same. some people struggle an put forth to what they want to become. AND THAT is what im doing. im putting forth everything to become what i have imaged in my head. if you actually knew me and were one of my friends like most. you would know how hard i work out an how frequent. im a very imaged positioned person. if i dont look good i dont feel good. and if i dont feel like i put forth enough effort i feel like im a lazy bum. ive been doing everything like i should. its just being difficult. just like ive been dealing with this for years. the before pics is like how i looked when i was 16! and that is no joke. i was the biggest person around my school. then it all came to a hault. never changed.... now with juice, im a little bigger, not much but a little. trainers couldnt even coaches couldnt help me. i got stronger DONT GET ME WRONG. but image never changed.
oh ya... forgot to update... STARTING 176 i believe i said originally. JUST BROKE 200!!!! 24lbs on in 6 weeks!!!, i know im going to lose some from the water retention. but looking at the difference idc. im happy right now! :D
Man, I dunno... Not calling you a liar but I have a tough time believing you're anywhere near 200 pounds. You seriously look less than 175 pounds to me, even at 6 ft. But, good luck with your goals.
it looks like your trying to flex ur traps...

and where? like draw an arrow where u see development. how youre 200lbs is beyond me. start hitting those delts(or lack there of) hard bro... if your not trying to flex them your traps are the best thing what i can see, but your delts are non exsistant, theres no seperation... and tris, and bis and chest... where is all this weight youre gaining going my man? hows the gut?

and please shave... that beard makes you look like some kinda jewish hipster muppet pedophile... just a suggestion my friend.