Starting, And Now

I see a difference definitely. Congrats. You still have a way to go though.

Since you've said you are a hard gainer you need to EAT. Your diet is what will make the difference here....not anabolics. Start upping your calorie big time.

If you're not confident with your diet post it up in the diet section and let us critique it.

You'll probably have trouble getting the extra calories but you will get used to it and make gains.

Breakfast- usually 9-10am
4 Eggs - 360 calories. 25g protein
1 Protein shake. 400 calories 66g protein
4 pieces of toast 320 calories 8g of protein
Breakfast - 1080 avg. calories 99g protein

Between 10am-12pm
1 nutrition bar 100 calories 2g of protein
1 protein shake 400 calories 66g of protein
Snack- 500 avg. calories 68g of protein

Lunch- Usually 1pm-2pm
1 Veggie Pizza 1080 calories 24g protein
1 protein shake 400 calories 66g protein
1 nutrition bar 100 calories 2g protein
Lunch- 1580 avg. calories 92g protein

Between 3-5pm
1 nutrition bar 100 calories 2g protein.
Snack- 100 calories 2g protein

Dinner- Usually 6-7pm
this varies from time to time. usually ill eat fish, chicken, lasagna, or a massive salad. AVG tho is roughly 600-1000 calories
1 protein shake 400 calories 66g protein.
Dinner- AVG 1000-1400 calories protein...? say 66g

calorie intake- 4260-4660avg
protein intake- 327g AVG.
ive been told i have the hater body. i can eat whatever i want, and how much i want, an never get fat. hahaha. idk. my mom hates me tho for it LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHAHAHA ive been lazy lately. she can kiss my ass if she dont like it. i can get another one whenever. ALSO, for the beard hell no hahahaha, im growing out an amish beard for when i have to go to court. ALSO, im growing out everything after that, cause i want to be jesus for Halloween LOL, walking around the town carrying a cross hahahaha!

Well atleast there's a purpose for it!
ALSO! i do try to drink 2 gallons of water a day. otherwise its just Gatorade.

For the first time in my life im seriously trying to up my water intake. I fill up a gallon jug of water at night and take it with me everywhere I go until it's finished starting from the time I wake up. That being said, I dont believe you drink 2 gallons of water a day. If I can barley drink a gallon theres NO way you can drink 2.. Not saying im better then you, but imo I think im a bit more serious about my bb'ing then you are judging from your pics.. I see HUGE gains from your pics, your body got overall bigger however you still need to work on..everything.
For the first time in my life im seriously trying to up my water intake. I fill up a gallon jug of water at night and take it with me everywhere I go until it's finished starting from the time I wake up. That being said, I dont believe you drink 2 gallons of water a day. If I can barley drink a gallon theres NO way you can drink 2.. Not saying im better then you, but imo I think im a bit more serious about my bb'ing then you are judging from your pics.. I see HUGE gains from your pics, your body got overall bigger however you still need to work on..everything.

With is easy. Frequent piss breaks get easier as you go.
I find it's better to fill small bottles and chug em as you go. that one gallon will be gone in no time...I shoot for 2 gallons a day, if I don't I'm awfuly close to it anyways..
With is easy. Frequent piss breaks get easier as you go.
I find it's better to fill small bottles and chug em as you go. that one gallon will be gone in no time...I shoot for 2 gallons a day, if I don't I'm awfuly close to it anyways..

I just dont see how ANYONE with a normal job/routine could. In the last 7 days drinking the 1 gallon jug I piss on average about 14 times a day instead of 2-3 times when I didnt measure how much I was drinking.. Im sure it was alot less.
I just dont see how ANYONE with a normal job/routine could. In the last 7 days drinking the 1 gallon jug I piss on average about 14 times a day instead of 2-3 times when I didnt measure how much I was drinking.. Im sure it was alot less.

Your bladder will get used to it.. I work outside all day.. sometimes in secluded areas.. so pissing is not a concern for me..
i work part time for a construction company. work hasnt been stable enough. so pretty much i have all the free time in the world. im pissing no joke almost every 5-10 min. when i work its all getting sweatted(sp?) out. so in retrospective i have to drink that much or i get dehydrated. and 2 gallons for me is easier than anything. i maybe get 5-6 hours of sleep. so drinking 2 gallons in 18 hours in reality isnt that hard. its practically a big bottle every 1.5 - 2 hours.
so if you asked before you automatically assumed i would have happily explained that for you guys. ALSO, let alone i took my dog running today for 4 miles. and in that amount of time i drank 4 1 liter bottles. pretty much every mile i stopped at a gas station for a bottle. so if you think about it... not that hard. ALSO, is anyone going to comment on my diet routine? or whatever you want to consider it. my intake volume for a day. and another thing if i may. with that amount that i eat... im shitting almost 6-7 times a day LOL.
so if you asked before you automatically assumed i would have happily explained that for you guys. ALSO, let alone i took my dog running today for 4 miles. and in that amount of time i drank 4 1 liter bottles. pretty much every mile i stopped at a gas station for a bottle. so if you think about it... not that hard. ALSO, is anyone going to comment on my diet routine? or whatever you want to consider it. my intake volume for a day. and another thing if i may. with that amount that i eat... im shitting almost 6-7 times a day LOL.

shitting 6-7 times a day!!!??? WWTTFFFF, you need to get that checked out son!
hahaha. well im eating like a mule man! its all gotta go somewhere LOL

If your drinking 2 gallons of water and eating like your eating, the problem HAS to be your training.. What kind of training do you do? It's either way too much or way too little. IMPOSSIBLE for the way you look right now to be your genetic limit.
If your drinking 2 gallons of water and eating like your eating, the problem HAS to be your training.. What kind of training do you do? It's either way too much or way too little. IMPOSSIBLE for the way you look right now to be your genetic limit.

at a minimum i run in the morning 1mile. sometimes depending on my days, and or open time. i will run roughly 2-4 miles. lifting wise,
Day 1: Legs/Back
Day 2: Chest/abs
Day 3: tri's/bi's
Day 4: Shoulders/traps
then back to 1 an so on so forth
i know my work out routine has to be a little tweaked. but otherwise. its pretty much like that.
last time i did see my doctor he did say my metabolism was still high as hell. idk man...
at a minimum i run in the morning 1mile. sometimes depending on my days, and or open time. i will run roughly 2-4 miles. lifting wise,
Day 1: Legs/Back
Day 2: Chest/abs
Day 3: tri's/bi's
Day 4: Shoulders/traps
then back to 1 an so on so forth
i know my work out routine has to be a little tweaked. but otherwise. its pretty much like that.
last time i did see my doctor he did say my metabolism was still high as hell. idk man...

Can you post your workout routines? Also, are you up for suggestions? #1 Cut out your cadio 100% ASAP unless it serves a purpose? (your a runner, fighter, swimmer, ext) As you and your dr said you have a high metabolisim which is maiking you loose weight, all running is doing is making you loose MORE weight. Loosing all this weight, your body is eating away at your muscles.
sounds good man, yeah im always up for info and pointers. im not some needle dick that thinks he's 100% right all time every day of the week. and for the purpose, i try an keep active otherwise i feel like a lazy piece of shit. other than that i am in frequent training with boxing and fight competitions. also, i use to be a heavy swimmer. use to do it in school, swam on the team, some habits are hard to let up :/ , BUT i can def cut down on it.
shitting 6-7 times a day!!!??? WWTTFFFF, you need to get that checked out son!

What the hell is with all this pissing and shitting 10x's a day!! And drinking 2 gallson of H20!!!!! 1 Question-HOW???? I seriously can barely drink 1 gallon a day (and I sit at a desk ALL day long).

If its true I need to follow your techniques.
lil dude. as i said i do construction, as of now part time cause of lack of work. when i do work im outside in the sun all day lifting nonstop. when i worked at quad graphics (if you know what that company is) i drank 2gallons EASILY when working. when your in a warehouse that reaches 120* you kind of need to keep hydrated. and as i am consistantly running and drinking water. your body gets use to it. it will adapt to it. if you read up a few comments, someone else will even tell you that, your body will adapt to your consumption of water.