Starting cycle soon, no bac water for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) anywhere...


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Starting cycle soon, no bac water for HCG anywhere...

Apparently, there is a huge run on the BAC water locally in BC, usually it's available at most pharmacies or major drug stores, but there is a shortage.

Don't know when I'll get a hold of some, same goes for glass vials. I've got the 2 ml pharmaceutical freeze-dried HCG but I'd need a separate vial to dilute with BAC water to get the required IU, what do you guys suggest?

Apparently, no place has any glass vials in stock either. If by some chance, I get some a few weeks into cycle, would running HCG then even be beneficial?

Meaning if it's two-three weeks into cycle? A local pro said I could then run 500 iu every other day for a week or two to "catch" up, but I don't want to risk anything. Thoughts?

EDIT: So apparently, my weeks of posting hasn't been showing up. My posts kept saying awaiting moderation. My cycle was 12 weeks Test E at 500 mg a week, split dosage. 5 weeks Dbol at 40 mg ED, A-Dex at 0.25 EoD, depending on sides, could up it. Planned to run HCG during cycle at 250 iu, every 4 days, stopping before post cycle therapy (pct) which is clomid/nolva at 50/50/50/25 and 40/40/20/20. Dosages not necessarily set.

Second cycle, first was test-e only with proper post cycle therapy (pct). I'm 26, lifting 8 years, 4+ years seriously. About 5'11, 200 pounds, etc.

Thoughts on the HCG situation? A few local pharmacies which help me out all the time said there's a shortage/manufacturing problem. I've checked almost everywhere near me within a 50km radius. Same goes for glass sterile vials. You'd think every place in BC would have it but they don't.
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So you want a little preventative medicine.. i imagine google can find these non prescription items easily

tell us what else you have planned
I have always used midwifery supplies canada out of Vancouver for bac water. Google is your friend
Yeah, I've got tons of clomid/nolva and A-Dex, just that I've got 15,000 IU total of freeze-dried pharmaceutical HCG which I think would be wasted if I started cycle without running it with it. What would you recommend in trying to "catch up" with it, dosage wise? 500 iu, EoD for the first week or two?

I'm a little wary of small sites on the web for supplies, I've always been a local guy, put a face with the products, a name with the products. But I will check out midwifery supplies, I think there is a Canadian med supplies or something too, but you can never be too sure no?
Yeah, I've got tons of clomid/nolva and A-Dex, just that I've got 15,000 IU total of freeze-dried pharmaceutical HCG which I think would be wasted if I started cycle without running it with it. What would you recommend in trying to "catch up" with it, dosage wise? 500 iu, EoD for the first week or two?

I'm a little wary of small sites on the web for supplies, I've always been a local guy, put a face with the products, a name with the products. But I will check out midwifery supplies, I think there is a Canadian med supplies or something too, but you can never be too sure no?

I've used both, one for water other for pins
Get sterile water from your local drug store and order some benzyl alcohol from RUI, make it yourself. Cheaper.

As far as dosage of catch up? I started HCG 6 weeks in to my cycle, nuts just started to shrink at 4 I believe and they bounced right back. So no catch up is needed in my opinion, just a waste. Just do your 500iu's twice weekly and avoid shrinkage.