Staunched is in PCT after 20+months of Blast/Cruising!


Elite Juicer
Hey fellas,

Shock surprise decided to come off the AAS and attempt a standard PCT after the lost how many months of blasting/cruising... Back to trainign and dieting naturally and 21 days off the last shot (had been doing 1ml of Test/Mast blend every 5 days so 125mg of each enanthate ester per week not at 500mg per week so ester clearance times shouldn't be too high) with no hCG yet (commencing soon), and all I can say is I feel allright still (had a noticeable 5 day intense dip around day 12-16 wioth it being 21 now) it's not that bad and if eating right and training right it makes things easier in many ways too (seemingly!), I still feel the same and look the same (wasn't holding much water anyway), visually I just get a slightly less pump and less bloated after eating, but my diet has been far cleaner.

I don't wanna jump ahead of myself, but I think the worst of it was that 5 day dip in absolute shit feeling then a obvious bounce back up to my normal self... WHo knows the worst might be yet to come but I think I'm at it, and like I said, it's not as bad as I thought psycholigcally or phsyically... Just legit less vasculairty and less fullness, still running an AI believe it or not too so.

Plan is to come off and ride it through till the end of 5 weeks of hcg+AI MWF (over the next few days from now start it hopefully) and then run Toremifene at 60mg for a a month after stopping hCG and then get tested a month after stopping the Torem and see where things are at. If I can make a full recovery (back to 400+) and on my natrural systems I may consider staying that way (dw, I'll still be posting here) but let's be serious I'l be honest if I can run on my own HPTA succesfully I'll most likely stick to 8 months off 4 months on during the year for life (atleast until TRT becomes inevvitable or until I decide to stop forever if possible) the hot months down here and leave it at that... Probably a damn wise idea !
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I wish u well ST.

How old r U ? I think more guy s than will admit have run month s long and are very curious as to what/ how this goes.

Good luck my good man.

Will keep posted on here how things go, something extra I might add is my sleep quallity seems to me much better...
I bet lol.

I did a 42 month cycle so who am I to point fingers...or pins.

lmao yeah I thought it's probably time to try come off... Looking forward to giving natural a good old chance again... But I'd be absolutely bullshitting if I said I'm not itching for a summer cycle in a couple months.... We'll see, but I would like to spend a good couple months off for sure so :)
That takes some will power brotha. I can't say I'd be able to do the same. I don't even like cruising! lol. Wishing you a smooth recovery and maximum preservation of gains ;)

This will be a nice thing to see for guys who have been on or B+C'ing for a while and are curious if they could possibly recover. Everyone's different of course but if you're successful it means there's hope for some of us if we ever have to come off. I'll be checking in on this.

Do you have plans to post bloods for us to see how well you recovered?
Thought I'd jump on and throw a little update!!! So far doing good, have commenced a HPTA kickstart protocol, a little late but never the less better than ever... All exogenous AAS esters hsould be well and truly cleared by now so I'm running on whatever my body is, or isnt?, making...

Currently running the following for 30 days... 4th day in so far.

150iu hCG ED (shot done in morning SubQ in just below navel middle, left and right alternating, made by reputable compounding pharmacy I believe it is actual Prengyl that they used)
1mg Adex ED
20mg Nolva ED

Like I said, so far so good, the next morning after the first shot of hCG at 250iu (every day after this 150iu in AM) I had intense dreams of me and the missus going at in and woke up with a raging dick... Noticed a slight, very dull odd sensation in nuts throughout the day, which is still there 4 days in except now they are since the first shot slightly more plump and do hang lower than usual, not major but enough to notice and not bad of a disernable difference for having my nuts offline for a good 2 years with 4 days of average dose hcg.

After 30 days of hCG, will drop the Adex and just continue Nolva at 20mg for another 30 days and then get bloods a week after or so from that point, then again every 2 months following to see where things are at!
Is the 1mg adex as a sort of ai monotherapy? When did you start it? You waited til all esters cleared to start everything?
Last shot was around 5 weeks ago now, was cruising on test for the most part this year on 350mg total AAS give or take a bit (250mg E5D) with the odd extra compound blended into the test, this year only blended at times tren for a bit in february and then eq and then finally mast e with the test which I then let the mast clear out, ran the test for 3/4 weeks alone at 200mg E5D and now we at the 5 week pin free mark.

hCG at 150iu and done ED is a good dose and not wanting ot do bigger doses, rather small and consistent daily dosing (which is optimal, EOD is still fine, E3D onwards isnt ideal but works if running test as well but no if hCG alone), 1mg Adex helps keep estro low as hCG can cause intratesticular aromatisation, the novla is to try kill of any gyno left and if e2 still bounces up, like if my balls take a while to start producing sufficient amount of test and the Ai helps stop any further conversion due to the body pumping out e2 to fill the void of low test...

Many say no need to run a SERM with hCG... that's true as hCG is itself supressing the LH signal but running the pathways hence novla isn't going to stimulate LH release (like I said it is ther eincase e2 is jacked while getting my nuts runnign and preventing further gyno and hopefully reduce the small existing gyno already). It's not an agressive PCT, but it should work... I would go with hCG 150iu Ed+1mg Adex (im e2 sensitive, always needed high dose of adex/letro, everyone is different I would rec. .5mg or .25mg ED with the hCG).

Day 4, energy levels are up, I did the first shot of 250iu at midday and by the end of the day my mood/well-being and energy is better at the 12 hour mark, and as said the next morning I was so damn horny it was nuts... I waited to see how logn it would last, by the next morning I could feel that subtle feeling had worn off but was still there, and a bit emotional, so ED dosing for me so far is working... This totals to 1050iu per week which is sufficient. Still early tho... but thats so far
Something that jumps out is the amount of adex, seems like an awful lot. Have you considered clomid alongside the nolva after you cease the hcg and ai? Just a low dose of clomid alongside the nolva may go a long way towards recovery. I know you have a plan and werent really seeking advice per se, those things just caught my eye.
I wish you the best with this man.
Most don't run hcg or ai while in pct. And that ai dose is hefty. That much is usually used as ai monotherapy although I do see the need/want to keep e2 lower. Especially if you're sensitive
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I'm sensitive to estrogen,... without an AI I look like a chipmunk and get wicked bloat and fullness and jacked BP all the stock standard high e2 sides... Will get bloods to see where things ar eat in 2 weeks from now to see what the hcg is doing for me and what everything looks like.

missus deffinitely noticed the nuts getting bigger and fuller, her words so it's not placebo because she didnt know they can grow when you get on hCG and have shrunken balls to begin with
Hey so how you fair after a 42 month cycle?? Your obviously still alive! Do you regret it???

I m 52.
I was 22- 26.5 when I did it and swept a lot of competition under the rug, had the state of MS DL record for a 198 pulling 605 but some f n Hobbit running Gandolf s gear came along and smashed it...

. All is well now..had a couple tough decades.

But gay porn is my deal now so yes I m good (I m told)
I'm also surprised at the lack of Clomid Staunched, why did you decide to omit this from your recovery plan?

How old are you? This will obviously have a bearing on 'bouncebackability'!

You getting bloods done bud?
Things are going good nearly a week of running the hCG! Decided I would run the hCG for 30 days, the Nolvadex for 30 days then a month off and get bloods to see where things are at, but getting bloods right after stopping the hcg first, then it's go time again I plan on doing a cycle a nice 10-14 weeker weeker with hCG run the end of the cycle then a Nolvadex PCT... probably reallistcially go to the good old and safest approach of time on cycle not including PCT = time off, always use hCG leading up to PCT although next time I will be running a hCG+Nolvadex PCT so.

Just shy of 22 bro...

Clomid makes me an emotional headcase it's unreal, I find hCG to be the most important thing in recovery, CLomid works but it too harsh for me I get the vision sides too...
Hey fellas,

Shock surprise decided to come off the AAS and attempt a standard PCT after the lost how many months of blasting/cruising... Back to trainign and dieting naturally and 21 days off the last shot (had been doing 1ml of Test/Mast blend every 5 days so 125mg of each enanthate ester per week not at 500mg per week so ester clearance times shouldn't be too high) with no hCG yet (commencing soon), and all I can say is I feel allright still (had a noticeable 5 day intense dip around day 12-16 wioth it being 21 now) it's not that bad and if eating right and training right it makes things easier in many ways too (seemingly!), I still feel the same and look the same (wasn't holding much water anyway), visually I just get a slightly less pump and less bloated after eating, but my diet has been far cleaner.

I don't wanna jump ahead of myself, but I think the worst of it was that 5 day dip in absolute shit feeling then a obvious bounce back up to my normal self... WHo knows the worst might be yet to come but I think I'm at it, and like I said, it's not as bad as I thought psycholigcally or phsyically... Just legit less vasculairty and less fullness, still running an AI believe it or not too so.

Plan is to come off and ride it through till the end of 5 weeks of hcg+AI MWF (over the next few days from now start it hopefully) and then run Toremifene at 60mg for a a month after stopping hCG and then get tested a month after stopping the Torem and see where things are at. If I can make a full recovery (back to 400+) and on my natrural systems I may consider staying that way (dw, I'll still be posting here) but let's be serious I'l be honest if I can run on my own HPTA succesfully I'll most likely stick to 8 months off 4 months on during the year for life (atleast until TRT becomes inevvitable or until I decide to stop forever if possible) the hot months down here and leave it at that... Probably a damn wise idea !
This makes no sense if i remember correctly u said last year or a few years ago when u were 19 u were on hrt?