Staying on cycle ALL YEAR?


New member
Ok, Im sure this has been discussed alot, however, I want to ask.

When on test even for 12 weeks, you shut yourself down, but generally speaking can bounce back relatively quick. BUT what if you were on for a year at a time? Would recovery be worse? If so why?

Also, what if you ran Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and arimidex low dosed the whole time to keep LH and FSH stimulated, could that make staying on "doable" and make recovery easy? Or is it asking for permanent shut down.?
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Ok, Im sure this has been discussed alot, however, I want to ask.

When on test even for 12 weeks, you shut yourself down, but generally speaking can bounce back relatively quick. BUT what if you were on for a year at a time? Would recovery be worse? If so why?

Also, what if you ran Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and arimidex low dosed the whole time to keep LH and FSH stimulated, could that make staying on "doable" and make recovery easy? Or is it asking for permanent shut down.?

good question, im curious as to what answers you will get
Recovery after a year on would be a bitch. Regardless of the whatever
ancillaries you take, A year of suppressing your natural T is a long time.
It's possible your levels may not ever return to normal.

2 1/2 years shut me down permanently.

What are you trying to do long term..? Staying on for a year just because you can
may not be the best approach to attain your goals.
Recovery after a year on would be a bitch. Regardless of the whatever
ancillaries you take, A year of suppressing your natural T is a long time.
It's possible your levels may not ever return to normal.

2 1/2 years shut me down permanently.

What are you trying to do long term..? Staying on for a year just because you can
may not be the best approach to attain your goals.

Well, I am not planning of doing this, however I have ran cycle probably way to close together, and was wondering since the discovery (for me) of hcg, if I could quit bouncing on an off, and just stay on the test for a long period of time, and do orals here and there.

To make the question more to the point, I should have asked...

"Is the longer the cycle, the harder it is to come back".

Like I said, every cycle shuts you down, so I didnt know if longer would make it worse?!
Well, I am not planning of doing this, however I have ran cycle probably way to close together, and was wondering since the discovery (for me) of hcg, if I could quit bouncing on an off, and just stay on the test for a long period of time, and do orals here and there.

To make the question more to the point, I should have asked...

"Is the longer the cycle, the harder it is to come back".

Like I said, every cycle shuts you down, so I didnt know if longer would make it worse?!

If it was easier to recover after a year on people would stay on a year just for the quicker recovery.
Since everyone is different its hard to say , but yes one thing is for sure the longer you stay on the higher the chances of a harder recovery especially with certain compunds like deca , i personally dont do the time off equals time on thing , i pct wait a few and start right back up and have been fine
Since everyone is different its hard to say , but yes one thing is for sure the longer you stay on the higher the chances of a harder recovery especially with certain compunds like deca , i personally dont do the time off equals time on thing , i pct wait a few and start right back up and have been fine

how long do you wait? and what about if you are on lifetime trt? if you done a cycle of test/deca for 18 weeks,how long could you wait and start up again since you dont have to do a pct?
Since everyone is different its hard to say , but yes one thing is for sure the longer you stay on the higher the chances of a harder recovery especially with certain compunds like deca , i personally dont do the time off equals time on thing , i post cycle therapy (pct) wait a few and start right back up and have been fine

yes everyone is diffrent i do pretty much the same as you alot of ppl would say im wrong for the way i do it.. i do my cycle no post cycle therapy (pct) and wait about 3 to four weeeks and hit a cycle again.. and everyone on here says if you dont do post cycle therapy (pct) u want keep gains and i keep 90% of mine. everyone is different like he said no one answer will fix anything i mean of course always go about the right way of doin thing cycle + post cycle therapy (pct) + time off i do agree with these guys but like i said what works for me after my gains in keep eating big and working hard :biggthump
Yes. More time on means bigger ups and downs.
HCG won't save you forever.
Stay on long enough, and your balls with
give you the pink slip eventually.

I'm not opposed to staying on for long
periods, I do get my bloodwork done a few times a year though.

Well, I am not planning of doing this, however I have ran cycle probably way to close together, and was wondering since the discovery (for me) of hcg, if I could quit bouncing on an off, and just stay on the test for a long period of time, and do orals here and there.

To make the question more to the point, I should have asked...

"Is the longer the cycle, the harder it is to come back".

Like I said, every cycle shuts you down, so I didnt know if longer would make it worse?!
i was on for close to 25 weeks last yr with a test blend of 200mg test e & 50 mg prop my dose was 250-500mg/wk. i did post cycle therapy (pct) with only nolvadex and ZMA for about 5 wks and my test bounced back relatively quickly. my test levels were 755 (high normal) by the time i finished post cycle therapy (pct). i did however have some very nasty side effects including very high blood pressure, severe anxiety/ panic attacks on a daily basis for almost 2 months straight, i suspect this was because of the shutdown of the HPA/ hpta axis. (i had no history of anxiety prior to this retardedly long cycle) also a messed up ratio of cholesterol. my LDLs were high, my hdls were low..... i never had any side effects with cycles 12 wks and under. moral of the story, dont do cycles longer than 16 wks at most, have your doc monitor your health during and after your cycles and use AI's and BP meds during cycles if its high.