

Community Veteran


* Not producing or incapable of producing offspring.

a. Not producing or incapable of producing seed, fruit spores, or other reproductive structures. Used of plants or their parts.

b. Producing little or no vegetation; unfruitful: sterile land


* Free from live bacteria or other microorganisms: a sterile operating area; sterile instruments.


Drying or freezing kills many species of bacteria and causes others to become inactive. Heat above a certain temperature kills all bacteria. Sterilization of objects such as surgical instruments is an important part of bacteriological work.

Antiseptic :1 a : [opposing sepsis, putrefaction, or decay; especially : preventing or arresting the growth of microorganisms (as on living tissue) b : acting or protecting like an antiseptic]

Antiseptics, physical or chemical agents that prevent decay and infection by destroying microorganisms. Antiseptics are used for food preservation (see Food Processing and Preservation), sterilization of water in public water systems, and medicine. English surgeon Joseph Lister initiated the use of antiseptics to treat wounds when he developed a carbolic acid solution in 1868. Major antiseptics used since then include bichloride of mercury, iodine, boric acid, alcohol, bchlorine, and the hypochlorites.


1. The act or procedure of sterilizing.

2. The condition of being sterile or sterilized.

<Preparation of dosage forms>

Sterile medicaments.

Some drugs cannot be given orally, because they are decomposed by the digestive processes; these drugs must be administered by injection, intravenously, intramuscularly, or subcutaneously (under the skin). It is imperative that such injected solutions be free from microorganisms or toxic agents; other pharmaceutical preparations that must be sterile include eyedrops, eye lotions, eye ointments, implants, powders to be applied to wounds or body cavities, and any solution or preparation to be used in surgical operations, such as surgical dressings, ligatures, and sutures. (see also Index: sterilization)

There are several main methods for preparing sterile products. Steam sterilization is carried out in an enclosed chamber (autoclave). The material is distributed into its final containers, which are sealed to exclude microorganisms. The containers are then placed in the autoclave and subjected to saturated steam under pressure at a temperature of 121 C (250 F) for 15 minutes. Substances stable in heat may be sterilized at higher temperatures, for which a shorter heating period is sufficient; conversely, lower temperatures require longer sterilization periods.

Pharmaceuticals in which the solvent is not water cannot be sterilized by steam, so dry heat at temperatures of 140 C (284 F) or higher is used, with exposure times ranging from one to four hours. The temperature-time relationship is similar to that for steam sterilization. Another technique is gaseous sterilization, in which the material is exposed to a vapour or gas such as ethylene oxide; this method is much used for foods, biologicals, and medical equipment (e.g., cotton wool, syringes, needles, and tubing). Radiation sterilization generally involves exposure to ultraviolet or gamma radiation or high-energy electrons; its use is limited mainly to the production of sterile medicaments and apparatus on a large scale. The final method, aseptic manipulation, is not actually a sterilization process. Here, the separate ingredients of the pharmaceutical are all available in sterile form and merely require compounding without microbial contamination.

Injections are aqueous or oily solutions, suspensions or emulsions, prepared by normal methods, with special care taken to remove all extraneous particulate matter. Injections must be sterilized by one of the methods given above. Some aqueous injections are not stable and so are prepared at the time of use by adding sterile water to the sterile drug.

Eyedrops, eye lotions, and eye ointments are all prepared by general methods, but they must be sterile. The pH value (acid-alkaline content) of eyedrops and eye lotions is important; a compromise must be made between the ideal value of 7.4 (almost neutral) and the value of greatest stability or therapeutic activity. Implants or pellets are prepared either by fusion and molding of the drug or by compression of the sterile crystals.

OK fellas for you that have read this now you see why i bake. I also bake at 280 or so normally. the stoppers will not melt if the rack is lowered in the oven well away from the top. let the oven preheat then place vial/vials in oven for a minimum of 1 hour. Turn the oven off and let cool to room temp before removing product. Make sure to calibrate you ovens from time to time with a thermometer. If you do study this out you will find some data showing that 340f for 2 hours is needed. After working in the Pharm business for several years, for our application, this is not necessarry. All of the numbers the labs have determined are on the high side just to be safe. I have always recommened 250-275 with emphasis on 275.

we have already determined that BA is a preservative and not a sterlizing agent in previous discussions. Pressure filtration in conjunction with heat sterlization is the safest route we have to making a sterile product for Sub-Q, IM injection or depot. Now this just applies to oily solutions/suspensions. Aqueous solutions/suspensions normally require autoclaving in conjunction with antimicrobials.

hope you guys found this intersting and that all read it who are considering home brewing. There some nasty stuff out there that can cripple or kill if it is injected into your body. Be smart and play it safe. .
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Mr. dB said:
Maybe this should be a sticky...

I agree.....but before it does, I think it should be cleaned up a bit first. What does a tubal ligation or vasectomy have to do with sterilizing gear ??
ok its cleaned up. post away oh great wonderous site admin. lololololol

i thought the tubal thingy was kinda cute. =0)
now thats a bit much. lolololol course i could prolly do better than that dingle berry we got now. all his business buddies gettin rich and we footin the bill.

he was awol when he was in the service and his dady kept him from going to vietnam by getting him in the guard. he may have a degree from an ivey league school but he just got out with a low C average. ever hear one of his interviews when someone asks him a question that he dont have rehearsed? "huuhhh well let me think, i cannot answer that question". sounds like beavus and butthead. moron. have you bought any gas lately? WTF. the saudis are supposed to be our buddies. we buy 1/3 of all our oil from them. we supply them weapons and support and they suply us oil. been like this for decades. hell we discovered the freaking oil for them. they wanted water and we found oil. lololololol. how can bush blow that deal? amazing. comander and chief my ass. he needs to be bitch slapped for lying about why we went to iraq to start with. weapons of mass destruction. they aint found one yet. and they admitted it. damn bro at least make something up to justify your actions.
sorry but i dont fully understand.

If one is trying to sterilize a bottle, they should place the empty vial in the oven at 280 for an hour? Do we have to put the stoppers in?
fatmasterfat said:
sorry but i dont fully understand.

If one is trying to sterilize a bottle, they should place the empty vial in the oven at 280 for an hour? Do we have to put the stoppers in?

I've only ever bought sterile vials, but I want to say that pullinbig recommended washing out a non-sterile vial with methanol and then sticking it in the oven for an hour or so at 300F.

I'll PM him and see what he has to say though.
heet (methanol) is sold in automotive parts stores.

rince dirty vials with it and then bake for an hour at 340f is better than 300. that was a typo on my part. all the methanol will evaporate. imediately place alluminum foil,l over vial til ready for use. rince stoppers as well before sealing vial after filtering solution into it. after that bake for a minimum of 60 minutes at 280 or so. make sure oven is preheated before placing vilas in oven. turn oven of after an hour and let cool to ambient temp before removal of away. hope this helped.
I still would not do that ?
how much is it for sterile vials? not that much
there is a chance that you can introduce LPS
Bacterial cell wall fragments that can cause
local inflamation....

pullinbig are you a chemist
we have discussed endotoxins to some degree already. please continue to read.

most home chemists dont have an autoclave. a pressure cooker can be a make shift one but still not the same. anyway dry heat is all most of us have availbable.

just because you have a sterile vial dont always mean you gonna get a sterile solution. bacteria can be introduced into the sterile vial via nonsterilie solution or not practicing asepeptic procedures.

there is always a chance at introducing some pesky rascles into any solution. it happens all the time with major pharm companies, i know i used to work for one of the biggest ones in the world.
"i used to work for one of the biggest ones in the world."

hoping one day to get a research job at Baxter
in round lake, il. I'm now, still at one of the big
chicago universities.

I will read it all ..thanks

BTW: they found serine gas in iraq
there's the WMD .