Steroids by Planet Pharmacy?

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DANCER said:
I don't understand why US bros would have experience with a lab from Belize.

because geographicaly is closer to the US than it is to Europe, and it's right next to Mexico where many US bros go shopping ;)

Anyway, I guess they are pretty new in the business, let's just hope they do what they say.

If anyone know/heared anything about them please post.

malaka why the hell would u be interested in underground shit anyway u say u live in eurpore and u have a greek flag ,there as i can see u can get good ol euro stuff human grade for cheaper then the underground shit and u will know that there legeit aswell ,naps like 1000 for 100 $ ,how do i know ?easy cuase im greek
since you are greek then you know naps are made in Romania, not available in Greece, only in black market. And as I said before I'm not a source nor I know of any sources :)

also stuff like Winstrol (winny), eq, T3, test prop etc. are again only available in black market.

kai rotao gia afta epeidi milame gia megales posotites kai aftoi poulane mono hondriki, an me pianneis ;)
yes but u can find napps really easy .pes mou tote pe megale afou milas gia megales posotites pe dike mou..
Alright I'm not posting the pic cause most of you might thing I'm a source trying to get some business.
semigod said:
Alright I'm not posting the pic cause most of you might thing I'm a source trying to get some business.

whatever, thats not the only thing wrong here... but i wont shoot you down until further investigation
well, to repeat my self:

I AM NOT A SOURCE and do not email me asking for sources/steroids because I will not reply.

is that clear enough to all of you???
I dont think that not saying you are a souce, necessarily means it is not a source post..what if i were to say, hey job blow labs in xyz country claims to make abc substance, one would think that 8000 bros would be emailing looking where to find them, then hypothetically you tell them that you would email them a list or put them in contact with and somehow, you were linked to them...hmmm...thats my thought....and my .02

what IF I was actually telling the truth and all I wanted was to find out about these guys??

is that a possibility? or did you all convict me already?

I know the scammers out there are far more than the reliable sources, and also you have had a recent issue here with the Almighty and that's why you are all so guarded.

Actually, I am being careful and skeptical too, that's the main reason I came here and posted to find out as much as I can on these guys, before I waste some of my hard-earned money on s***y products.

And whether you believe me or not it really doesn't bother me at all, I won't deal with this anymore. I just wish I was a source, at least I would make lots of profit and i wouldn't be looking at UG labs just to save a few bucks.

Thank you all for your help on this matter.
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