Steroids saved my life ! Youtube show on doing a cycle of roids!

Yeah this guy reminds me of all the newbs that think that Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are some sort of magic pill and come here posting and saying " I need to gain some weight what Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) should I take".
uuhhhh..... How about eating some food, that would work.

If you ever see these episodes this kid does not like to eat, thats why he is a skinny candy ass.

Yea, supposedly. I can't tell much if any difference. He's no doubt not eating enough, nor on a very intense lifting routine.
yeah he is doing an oral cycle, He up 20lbs in weight. (although I cant really tell where the hell he has the weight stored).

If he is on dbol only, he'll get a nice suprise when he comes off.

Also I think that his whole little "documantry" is a joke perhaps, who knows.

Yeah this guy reminds me of all the newbs that think that Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are some sort of magic pill and come here posting and saying " I need to gain some weight what Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) should I take".
uuhhhh..... How about eating some food, that would work.

If you ever see these episodes this kid does not like to eat, thats why he is a skinny candy ass.
hahaha nice avats here

hey the skinny guy is a junk :) dont trust this vids at all

see my signs
Wow! I could only watch the first and the last link. He certainly looks bigger but I think he could have gotten that by eating some pasta. Also it looks like his reps are way too high.
He and everyone whos in those videos should get shot in the fucking face. encouraging skinny little fucks everywhere that steroids have no sideeffects and that dumb little shits can take it and be jacked