still a newbie, be gentle

5'3 or 5'4, it's been a long time since I measured my height. about 115-120 lbs, been lifting and bulking for about 2 months, was around 105-110 lbs when I first started.
just keep it up man, a 10 pound increase in bodyweight has to be encouraging... just keep eating and training, while making sure not to over train
keep eating, and eating and hit the gym 3-4 times a week and no more.
Eat as much as possible of clean carbs and tons of protein. Shouldn't be hard to bulk when your weight is that low. Hell 2500 calories would probably bulk you.
Keep at it brother, monitor your progress, jot down your training sessions your bodyweight and food intake, as a benchmark! and when you think you haven't gotten anywhere you'll be able to look back and say "ya ok maybe I'm doing alright"
Good to see sombody getting serious about making progress brosky.

ill leave alone the fact that you look like fabio and hansen's bastard child.

But my advice to you in to eat all you can. Try to stay as clean as possible but at your stage of the game, just try to up the cals as much as possible. Look at my journal for some good bulking routines and keep up the lifting. I'd go for the routine pullinbig suggests its a good 3 day bulker.
Eat and lift heavy w/high intensity. If your doing any cardio, I'd drop it... you don't need it right now...IMO Use to track your food, macro's, activities, etc. It will really help you ensure your eating enough. Good luck and keep us posted! ..and remember, the ladies love a short, neatly trimmed hair do! ;)
thanks. Yeah I know the hair looks really weird in there, it's in dreads which is probebly why it looks kindo odd. As for my ruitine I've been doing the 5x5 ruitine 3 days a week so each muscle group is hit once a week.
if you've only been lifting for a short time, you may respond well to hitting everything twice a week....IMO.
I was told that would be a bad idea with 5x5 but if you think it would be good since I'm just starting I'll give it a shot for a couple weeks and see how my body responds.
Agreed. Shave the head as part of your new you.

I just recently went from 195 to 222 on a natural bulk working every muscle twice a week for 8 total weeks. Results were good, but my body started wearing down about the 7th week or so. So I'd also recommend hitting everything twice a week....just listen to your body.
also dont forget that fucking hair of yours weighs at least when you weigh yourself subtract that from the total..