[Story] 23 year old "dies" from AAS/Trenbolone abuse.

I had a cardiac arrhythmia and died on Tuesday night. My gf resuscitated me until the ambulance came and I've spent the last 5 days in ICU in an induced coma and 3 days in the cardiac ward.
Looks like I'll be getting a defib put in case it happens again.
I'm still in cardiac unit waiting to find out which way they will go. I told them about my use and requested hormone and lipids to be tested.
200mg ED Tren Ace.
50mg ED Test E.
100mg ED Mast E
I am 200lb at 5'8" and shredded as hell. About 8%
Cardiac arrest caused by genetic defect in the right ventricular whatever its called. Surgery will fix it. Tren may have affected my cardio and put more stress on my heart but it was only a matter of time before it happened.
Dying still sucks.
I'll be dropping tren to 100mg ED.
200mg of tren ed would be crazy for me even when I was crazy. I have used 150mg ed homebrew, but I never had a problem with tren.
Heart disease is the number one killer in the world. While I do feel that dose of tren was excessive, he could have been drinking water and still keeled over.

I guess the lesson here is that it's never a good idea to ignore the body. Gains come after health, as you can't really enjoy being swole six feet under.