Straight test or pro hormone?


New member
I have been cutting down on a strict diet and going to continue for another month but after I want to take a little something to add some size but stay lean. I have been shut down very bad before and don't want to mess with anything that will do that again, I was thinking just test or maybe a mild pro hormone. I have 2 bottles of epistane but not sure if that's the best to take. I know there are alot of things out there now days just wondering what would be the best
Test is best. The hell with pro-hormones. Less sides & better gains with test IMO. What shut you down so bad in the past?
Was young and dumb and took a bunch of test deca tren over a long period but pct wasent proper, I just want something to put some size on but stay lean
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Another thing in hcg is un available in my area, is there any alternative

Yea just dont run over 10 or 12 weeks and you don't really need it. A proper pct will do the job just fine, especially if you just run a basic test cycle, maybe throw in some var or something if you want an oral that wont get you bloated. If you're worried about getting shut down just avoid compounds like tren or deca which are notorious for more severe shut-downs
What about using the sustain alpha during cycle to keep the little ones going?

I feel HCGenerate would be the closest to HCG, Sustain is a nice libido enhancer but will not do much in the LH department during the cycle, this also coming from bloodwork I have seen from SA, I feel it serves a better place during pct.