Strength gains on first cycle test/dbol


New member
Sup guys, I'm excited to be starting my first cycle soon and I was wondering what kind of lifts should I be expecting?

I'm hoping for 45-50 lb increase idk if that's pushing it.
Sup guys, I'm excited to be starting my first cycle soon and I was wondering what kind of lifts should I be expecting?

I'm hoping for 45-50 lb increase idk if that's pushing it.
Well, it depends on the lift.
Squats; if you don't add 50 lbs., you're doing something wrong.
Bench; very possible.
Barbell curls; negative.

Catch my drift? Just train hard, diet harder, and enjoy the ride!
On what ?

You ll get real string on dbol. you ll piss them away.

cycle history
current lifts....come on now really....
You gonna get strong, if this is your first cycle i would reccomend just a straight test cycle. Also get a blood test done before you start then and follow up 6wks in. Make sure you have HCG and proper AI before you start as well..MOST IMPORTANT IS DIET. Get that dialed in before anything.. POST YOUR STATS, AND CYCLE PLAN!!
We the aas you can lift more than that but with. Good diet and a good pre workout you can get to that level what your cycle look like???? Your age, your weith and your goal????
Sounds like you need to research a lot more. Your question is just so generic and no one is going to have those answers lol
i think you will add strength with Dbol but if you don't have the right diet and workout than ill piss it all away. good luck on your cycle ;)