Stretching your balls

i'd imagine in a warm shower pulling on them gently and holding for a few minutes repeating this process a few times each time you shower would loosen em up
Button Buck said:
My advice is this. Take your sack and place it in a loose codura or kevlar pouch of some type, something that doesnt puncture. Lather generously with peanut butter. Wave in front of dog and have him gnaw/tug on it.

I'll sit in my recliner and let my dog literally gnaw the livng fuck out of it for about an hour solid while I watch sportscenter after the day's grind.

My sack used to be just like yours but now the fucker is loose as hell. I can jump off the edge of my bed onto the floor with my legs spread and it looks like a fucking flying squirrel gliding through the air.

did u try this pls?
Button Buck is right on. He fixed me up when I had a clingy ballbag, and now I have the flying fucking squirrel thing going to. Its hours o' fun!
Become a monk and don't have sex for a few years. During this period of inner peace refrain from tugging on your meat. After about five years, they should be dragging on the ground.