Strong olympic lifts?


New member
Just curious as to what some numbers are considered strong for various olympic lifts.
Im a rugby player and recently started incorporating some of these into my routine to shift more towards explosiveness and such rather than hypertrophy and mass.

For instance I did snatches today, built up to a 215 1RM.

I will also be doing cleans, jerks, and some others. My main compound lifts are strong for my age (21) with a 405 bench and 520 squat, but want to see where I stack up with these at 6'1 and 225lbs.
im no Olympic lifter, but i have done a clean and jerk with shitty form of 110kg a few months back, and your bench and squat are much more than mine, never tried a snatch to be honest but i know there much harder
Not bad for a beginner, its an extremely technical lift with so much that can go wrong with it in the less than two seconds it takes to do it. For reference I am 5'4 120 and snatch 92 kilos, about 203 lbs, and ive been O lifting for a little over a year. The top guys on the international scale at your weight are snatching around 180-200 kilos, about 396-440 lbs. However, these are the absolute best who have been training for like 15 years. For your level ( only doing the o lifts to help out for a different sp)rt, its not bad at all but with enough time you have a lot of room for improvement.
Considering you are not trying to be an elite olympic lifter, I would say a 275 snatch and a 325 clean and jerk would be pretty respectable.
6'2 here and 215lbs or so...

I don't snatch or clean really but once in a blue moon I'll clean for fun to see where I'm at for my olympic lifting buddies ha. I cleaned 315 before at 204 and I think I can get 335 now.