Stuck at 150


New member
Hey, im new here to the forum so hello. I was looking for some bulking advice. I started about 6 and a half months ago at 139 lb. , now im 150 lean. My goal is too be 165-170. But it seems i've stopped gaining weight even though i eat right. I mainly stay with cooked fish and turkey for 4 of my 7 meals a day. I'm not really sure what to do at this point because my diet has suited me pretty well.
Have you increased your calories to accommodate for the weight that you've gained? Also, try to implement sources of protein that have a higher fat content such as whole eggs and lean (>90%) beef.
I try to eat about 3,500 calories a day. But my job just burns em off since i work in a warehouse loading trucks. And 3J my full stats are

age: 20
weight: 150
height: 5'5"
bf%: really dont know at this point but last summer i was measured for hockey and was at 4%
Also the supplements i take are no xplode, cellmass, and sterol. Stopped taking protein and mass shakes since most were overpriced and i rather actully eat my food than drink it
Your testosterone is most likely fine. Have you set down and added up everything that you eat, not guessing but knowing? Imperitive.

Make sure you get the fat in, I like fat sources like almonds, walnuts, avacado and fish oil. Nuts and oil is easy way to up calories.

Figure out exactly what you take in on average day then up that amount by 500 or so calories.
You gotta eat more man. Up your protein and carb intake. More meat, brown pasta, rice, oatmeal, your probably going to have to sacrifice some of that bf% to get bigger, but cutting is half as hard as bulking if you ask me. Not sure how accurate your 4% measurement was but it's extremely hard to pack on beef with a bf that low, so it sounds to me like your eating wayy too lean. Your diet has suited you as 139lb shredded. You need to eat like a 170lb beast. I'm going through the same battle from 165-175 too. It's tough to find a happy spot where you can get larger without getting fatter.
Also the supplements i take are no xplode, cellmass, and sterol. Stopped taking protein and mass shakes since most were overpriced and i rather actully eat my food than drink it

Ok, I think that stupid. You stopped taking protein because it is overpriced but the BSN bullshit? Waste of money man for a 150lb guy. Waste of fuckin money.

If you want get arginine from almonds also have more calories. Get some generic glutamine if you want.

Get some protein and at least use it immediately post workout like in the 15 minutes after lifting. Also, drink some grape juice and eat more oil after lifting , i.e. calories.

NO explode is well marketed. you will be much better served spending on some food. Get off the fuckin high horse about drinking calories, you need more calories and drinking them is good way to get. Mix protein berries bananna peanut butter yogurt half cup oatmeal what ever in blender and you have lots of cal for low money.

Dont use powder weight gain stuff. Just get protein and make other yourself.

whole food>pussy>oil>whey protein>creatine order of priority.
Pussy is a great source of essential oils.

You can get a 5lb tub of protein online for like 40bucks tops...and that's a good one. Cellmass can go for like 80. I wouldn't pay 10bucks for it.
muscle milk is great protein for me cuz it taste the best. a shake with creatine as soon as i finish working out works best for me but everyone is different. not quite sure about all those other well marketed products you want to dump your cash into but there is always a similair equivelent for half the price. just my .02 only you know your metabolism. I personally think taking every ones advice and trying it all and finding the right combination of things that will work for you. i to weighed 135 @6'1 and now im 193.4 as of this morn and a nicely solid and feel amazing. good luck man
fish and turkey? no wonder your so little.

start eating BK and McDonalds at least 2 times a week. Eat a XL pizza with pepperoni and sausage once a week. you are eating like a bird... or some gay vegetarian (:D nate).

If you wanna get big, you gotta eat big son.
^^I was going to recommend 2 head of lettuce post workout but then thought better of it.

"My friend i recommend full and robust diet of sticks, twigs, grass and seeds"

right, that would go over well. I sound like a fag, spent to long living in west hollywood i guess, turn into a tree hugging leftist commie pinko vegetarian:laugh3:
fish and turkey? no wonder your so little.

start eating BK and McDonalds at least 2 times a week. Eat a XL pizza with pepperoni and sausage once a week. you are eating like a bird... or some gay vegetarian (:D nate).

If you wanna get big, you gotta eat big son.

Exactly. Sounds like you're eating too clean. You may be eating alot but not the right foods. And most likely you aren't eating enough. Most people eat alot but still nowhere near what's needed to grow, I myself am guilty of this but it is tough stuffing yourself all day.
right, that would go over well. I sound like a fag, spent to long living in west hollywood i guess, turn into a tree hugging leftist commie pinko vegetarian:laugh3:

granola crunchin sissy or not, we like you because you are the only BIG vagatarian we know. :D
Also the supplements i take are no xplode, cellmass, and sterol. Stopped taking protein and mass shakes since most were overpriced and i rather actully eat my food than drink it

U got this backwards my man.... these supp are a waste imo.... u need the shakes/food to get your crazy calories. Buy opt nutrition mass gainer/the one with 250 g of carbs drink two of those a day w your food. Also a pizza/burgers etc above is gonna help. Dont worry about looking like brad pit
If these supp keep u motivated to lift then thats great too. I doubt your preping even 3-4000 cal of food per day.. its a bitch
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