Stupid things you've done?

a few months back i was about to inject when i sneezed and pushed the needle right through my thumb, went in at the joint and came out at the tip. i lollered the girlfriend nearly fainted

awwwhahahahahah thats awesome. and the moral here boys and girls; dont sneezle while holding a needle, you might get a needle through a body part. LOL
Carried a Paino 20 min after a bicep shot. It would have felt better if I had just chopped my arm off.
preloaded the needle the night before..and used the same injectthe next day......MAN THAT FUKN HURT...
I was doing a glute injection and my girlfriend stopped by. She let herself in because I had given her a key the week before. When I heard her comming up the steps I pulled the needle out pulled up my pants and put the cap back on the syringe. Unfortunatally the cap didn't click in and fell of in the rush. We right as she was comming through the door I put the syringe in my front pocket. Well when you slam a sharp needle into your pocket without the cover on it guess what happend. The fucker went right into my thigh!!! I sucked up the pain trying to act like nothing happend...she didn't buy it so I told her I was jerking off and she caught me in the act. That hurt like a motherfucker.
Legomyego said:
I was doing a glute injection and my girlfriend stopped by. She let herself in because I had given her a key the week before. When I heard her comming up the steps I pulled the needle out pulled up my pants and put the cap back on the syringe. Unfortunatally the cap didn't click in and fell of in the rush. We right as she was comming through the door I put the syringe in my front pocket. Well when you slam a sharp needle into your pocket without the cover on it guess what happend. The fucker went right into my thigh!!! I sucked up the pain trying to act like nothing happend...she didn't buy it so I told her I was jerking off and she caught me in the act. That hurt like a motherfucker.

LOL OMG! This shit is so funny!

Ok Everyone has taken the wife ones. Heres one I did recently on a road trip.
I didn't want to miss my injection so I told the wife I needed to piss so i pulled over to some seedy truck stop.
i went into the bathroom to last nastiest stall and pulled out my gear. I had to inject EQ,Test Cyp, and Tren. I fucked up and brought only 1 injection needle and one draw needle and no alcohol.
I was putting the draw needle on the syringe and took off the cap when i dropped it on the piss wet floor!.... i just stared at it and thought this is so fucking sick.
I picked it up, tossed the draw needle and replaced it with the injection needle. i had 5mls to inject and only one 3ml syringe and three vials to draw from and only one little needle to get the job done and no alcohol.

I still wake up with colds sweats thinking about that time :insane2:
Roughly 2x/week I have a big glass of red wine and a fine cigar while grilling. Not sure how that scores on the stupid scale...
I recently took 200mcg of igf in one shot because i was confused about dilluting and conversions and shit...felt pretty hypo in the gym and had to go down a big ass gatorade... last night on my igf shot something happened after i drew out the igf and the bw and i dropped the needle and caught it with my hand except it went into my fuckin finger before it fell and thats what caight it, it was like a pin cushion.
mustanged77 said:
LOL OMG! This shit is so funny!

Ok Everyone has taken the wife ones. Heres one I did recently on a road trip.
I didn't want to miss my injection so I told the wife I needed to piss so i pulled over to some seedy truck stop.
i went into the bathroom to last nastiest stall and pulled out my gear. I had to inject EQ,Test Cyp, and Tren. I fucked up and brought only 1 injection needle and one draw needle and no alcohol.
I was putting the draw needle on the syringe and took off the cap when i dropped it on the piss wet floor!.... i just stared at it and thought this is so fucking sick.
I picked it up, tossed the draw needle and replaced it with the injection needle. i had 5mls to inject and only one 3ml syringe and three vials to draw from and only one little needle to get the job done and no alcohol.

I still wake up with colds sweats thinking about that time :insane2:

your kidding RIGHT? you guys sound like a bunch of fucking junkies
lmfao ok so i'm a diabetic female and i'm on this forum so 1. roids don't bother me duh and 2. shots sure as shit don't bother me and i'm just wiping the tears from my eyes about how you guys can say that your "pins" (never heard it called THAT till i came here) can hurt? now granted these pokers are a little bigger than the average insulin needle but not much....y'all are cute...and i'm a bonafide smartass so i hope you never take me too seriously!! word to the wise, use a locked bathroom guys! smooches
Things I have learned of the two pages on this thread mainly are.

-Don't catch flying needles.
-Don't lend your bitch a key....and thats not because of the gear but anyfreakinthing!
-And even when cought, "its not mine baby, it wasn't me".

-simple thanks
I shot up in a dirty ass IHOP bathroom once. I was in there like 10 minutes and when i did the shot I started bleeding like hell. After I walked out of the bathroom I forgot to flush the ass load of bloody toilet paper....which I realized as soon as the guy waiting outside walked in right behind me. This was a one shitter stall BTW.
Stupid things? Hm, where to begin?

1) Injected both delts and then left the house in a tank top without realizing streams of dried blood were running down my arms.

2) Was smoking dope with a friend and agreed to give him his first shot. Came back from the bathroom and found him still sitting up but unconscious. Couldn't wake him. Was shitting bricks and on the phone to 911 when he finally snapped out of it. (He had passed out from stress.)

3) Site-injected Nolotil, 2 or 3 times. Each time the injection was followed by about 3 hours of constricted breathing and a feeling that I might die any minute. But I gave it 3 tries before throwing in the towel.
the_hulk said:
My first batch of prop I through away the stuff u were supposed to keep, cuz I thought it was similiar to the tren conversions but I was wrong and there went $125 down the drain!

And I went on a trip that involved me gwetting on an airplane so I preloaded my syringes and everything was fine over there but on the way back I found out that my stuff was going to be searched so I told my family that I had to go change so I got my bag and ran tot he bathrooms and put 300mg of tren in my glute and quad cuz I didnt want to waste it.

WOW man, this was drastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was 3-4 weeks into my first cycle. I was taking Sustanon (sust). amps. I popped the first couple of amps right open no problem. When I got to that 3rd or 4th week I went to crack the amp and the top shattered right down inside the amp. I was an idiot and over paid like you wouldn't believe, and I thought I'm not wasting that much money, that would be stupid. So I loaded it and shot it anyway. What a freakin' idiot I was.