No running this morning. It was hard as fuck just dragging my ass outta bed...but I had my Animal shirt on and I needed to rep it...*sigh*...pressed for time, it had to be quick and as intense as I could be...I looked cute, though...haha...some guy told me, as I was walking through the gym, "You look strong." I don't just look it, motherfucker. Hah.
Hip abductors:
100/20, 115/15, 130/15
Front squats (again):
45/10, 65/10, 85/8, (95/6) x 2, 105/4
95/12, (135/10) x 2, (155/8) x 2
Leg press:
2pps/15, (3pps/12) x 3, 4pps/4 - WEAK!
Leg curls:
75/15, (100/12) x 3, Drop set - 100-85-70-55/8 ea.
10 minutes treadmill, pre-workout.
Time: 1hr, 9min
Calories: 462 (50% fat)
Max HR:168 (85% MHR)
Avg HR: 125 (63% MRH)