suicide inhibitor:shoot5:

timbo slice

New member
Aromasin reads to be the go to anti aromatase drug

Aromasin is used to normalize/maintain estrogen levels within the body, like other anti estrogens however possess a quality unlike the others. Aromasin accomplishes this quality by binding with aromatase enzymes which is responsible for converting testosterone (and other aromatizable drugs) into estrogen. Once it becomes bond this drug permanently deactivates it. Classing it as a suicide inhibitor. This prevention alleviates the need for suicide rebound. Not all anti estrogens have this effect. Wouldn't that make this drug more sought out for combating estrogen overload? You do have to dose this drug more frequently in order to maintain blood levels sometimes twice a day or every 12 hours, unlike every few days with other drugs. Making it possibly more expensive and you would have to be digesting more pills through your liver, but that to me seems like the only down fall.
Is this drug under' rated or is there a more negative aspect to the story. Feel free to state if there is anything positive or negative that I missed. Ive been looking into this some lately. Thx
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It is my Ai of choice. I used adex for years then switched to stane. It took a bit of dialing in but once i got it I haven't looked back. Its my ai of choice ever since. Im taking it on cycle now. I take it2x/day and take it with food.
It is my Ai of choice. I used adex for years then switched to stane. It took a bit of dialing in but once i got it I haven't looked back. Its my ai of choice ever since. Im taking it on cycle now. I take it2x/day and take it with food.

May I ask why?

I'm about to start TRT and I'll probably stick with adex. The less I have to remember to dose the better lol.
May I ask why?

I'm about to start TRT and I'll probably stick with adex. The less I have to remember to dose the better lol.

Stane has a slightly better lipid profile as well as less of an adverse impact on IGF. In all honesty the difference is negligible but it does exist. I also like its MOA, the rendering of the aromatase permanently inactive. Its also a very forgiving ai, tough to crash your e2 taking stane. In one of the only study on Stane in males subjects were given both 25mg & 50mg/day. Both groups had significantly lowered e2 BUT it was still in clinical range. So imagine they were not taking any steroids, were taking 50mgs of Stane per day and their e2 was still in the clinical range. Thats pretty amazing. Also the difference between the 25mg and 50mg groups was notable it was not nearly as significant as you would think it would be. All this shows me that Stane is a very forgiving ai and while its very effective at lowering e2, it is very tough to crash it.
Stane has a slightly better lipid profile as well as less of an adverse impact on IGF. In all honesty the difference is negligible but it does exist. I also like its MOA, the rendering of the aromatase permanently inactive. Its also a very forgiving ai, tough to crash your e2 taking stane. In one of the only study on Stane in males subjects were given both 25mg & 50mg/day. Both groups had significantly lowered e2 BUT it was still in clinical range. So imagine they were not taking any steroids, were taking 50mgs of Stane per day and their e2 was still in the clinical range. Thats pretty amazing. Also the difference between the 25mg and 50mg groups was notable it was not nearly as significant as you would think it would be. All this shows me that Stane is a very forgiving ai and while its very effective at lowering e2, it is very tough to crash it.

Thanks for the insight boss!
Stane has a slightly better lipid profile as well as less of an adverse impact on IGF. In all honesty the difference is negligible but it does exist. I also like its MOA, the rendering of the aromatase permanently inactive. Its also a very forgiving ai, tough to crash your e2 taking stane. In one of the only study on Stane in males subjects were given both 25mg & 50mg/day. Both groups had significantly lowered e2 BUT it was still in clinical range. So imagine they were not taking any steroids, were taking 50mgs of Stane per day and their e2 was still in the clinical range. Thats pretty amazing. Also the difference between the 25mg and 50mg groups was notable it was not nearly as significant as you would think it would be. All this shows me that Stane is a very forgiving ai and while its very effective at lowering e2, it is very tough to crash it.

My understanding was that the effects of an AI on someone who is natural is different than someone who's supplementing with exogenous test as the HPTA loop is closed when your natty and the introduction of an AI won't crash e2 because your body responds by producing more test to counteract the drop in estradiol. But when you're on gear stane can easily crash your e2 if taking too much as the HPTA loop is open. Assuming I was reading your post right then its probably not as forgiving as adex. But I am far from well versed on the subject so someone please chime in and correct me if I'm wrong.

Not knocking aromasin at all though. Definitely has its advantages.