Summer Bulk


New member
Rediscovered this site after a long time away. Anyways, am aiming to bulk up a bit over summer, then diet down for a show in November. Just some pics I took a few days ago - any feedback welcome (will get some of the legs and back in a couple of days though).
Great conditioning and good size, but you seem very unsymmetrical in these pics, especially if you want to hit the stage. Post some more pics, these ones may just look odd.
I wouldnt say unsymmetrical. Imo u need to bulk up ur back I see no lats. Creating an illusion is the key when u hit the stage. How bout those wheels!!! Post a pic of them if possible. Other than that, if u can add some mass I think u will be alright.
Thanks for the feedback (especially about the imbalance) - camera died recently but got a few leg photos from a few months back just before I was intending to compete(April I think - was more cut then) - and get the Wolverine thing just a bit :D
Work on that back a little, and try to add about 8-10pds of quality mass. Other than that u lookin up to par bro.
Nice wheels, bro - really thick and great separation. I'd say work on your delts - they look like that are ready to pop with a bit more size. Nice & lean too for off season - great job!