Summer Stack Final...Good 2 Go?


New member
(currently cruising on 250mg/w Cyp)

hey gents, well ive been researching n developing a Summer Cutter Stack for the past couple of wks n i think ive got it down,but as always any suggested criticism is appreciated:

Wks 1-10 Tri-Blend 1cc = (100mg Test Prop,100mg Masteron,100mg Tren Ace)
Wks 1-10 Adex .5mg/EOD (Mon,Wed,Fri)
Wks 1-10 HCG 250IU/E3D (Tue,Fri)
Wks 4-10 Anavar 80mg/ED
Wks 1-6 Clen n Keto
Day1: 20mcg
Day2: 40mcg
Day3: 60mcg
Day4: 80mcg
Day5: 80mcg
Day6-36: 100-120mcg
Day37-38: 80mcg
Day39-40: 60mcg
Day41: 40mcg
Day42: 20mcg

*Ketotifin: Taken at night
Day12-42: 1mg
*Taurine: Taken with clen
Day1-42: 3-5mg

so is this a keeper or does it need sum fixin?
I think staring at 40mcg 2x a day morning and afternoon for a week and see how you do with it and bump it up to the 100/120 mcg dosage in 2x a day dosing (50 pr 60 mg 2x). You can probably start the keto on the second week. I've seen logs with both the taper off method and others not. When I stopped it I didn't taper just stopped and didnt have an issue.

Are you planning liver support NAC? 2g a day a good start.

Taurine will probably need to be upped due to tge use of var. Maybe 4 to 6 g a day.

Might want to start your adex at .25mg eod and adjust when you get mid bloodwork.
sumthing like this Hiram:

Day1-7: 80mcg
Day8-42: 100-120cmg

*Ketotifin: Taken at night
Day8-42: 1mg
*Taurine: Taken with clen
Day1-42: 4-6mg

y would i need liver support, aren't the Var,Adex n Clen non-liver toxic?
Looks ok to me as long as you can handle the sides if you have any. Liver support is suggested for all cycles and var isn't as hard on liver as say dbol but it does task it. The taurine dosage is 4 to 6 g not mg right? If the var is g2g you will get intense pumps and cramping can occour which taurine will help with
thanx Hiram n yeah my typo, meant 2 say thanx 4 the feedback buddy, u have urself a great rest if the week
Hiram hope u dont mind me asking, but if i post my diet outline, would u b able 2 critique it or should i post it on another section on this board?
Go for it. 3J has a thread in the diet section you can find professional help there :)


There is a ton you learn just from reading the threads in that section. You can post your diet up in 3js free diet advice thread and he can get set on the straight and narrow.

I've had great success following his advice and plans. Some of the best money I've ever spent.
hey guys, i just posted all the info on 3J's thread,but here it is in case u guys wanna critique also:
TDEE:3199 (Harris-Benedict Formula)

Proposed Diet:
1 scoop whey protein
5g glutamine
5g creatine
(total= p-24 c-0 f-4 kcals-132)
2 scoops whey protein
5g glutamine
5g creatine
8oz organic apple juice
(total = p-48 c-38 f-4 kcals-380)
Meal 1: (1hr after post-workout meal)
6 egg whites 2 whole
½ cup Ezekiel almond cereal (dry)
½ grapefruit
(total = p-42 c-56 f-12 kcals-492)
Meal 2
1 can tuna/oil light
1 cup basmati brown rice
(total = p-56 c-44 f-17 kcals-559
Meal 3
8oz chicken or turkey
1tbsp organic coconut oil
1 cup asparagus
(total = p-54 c-5 f-16 kcals-407)
Meal 4
6oz steak
1 cup asparagus
(total = p-55 c-5 f-14 kcals- 366)
Meal 5
Plain greek yogurt
2tbsp natural peanut butter
1 scoop whey protein
(total = p-40 c-17 f-18 kcals-390)
Total caloric intake
Protein- 319g (kcals-1276)
Carbs- 165 (kcals-660)
Fat- 85 (kcals-765)
Total- 2701