superdrol? anyone know this brand?

Yeah superdrol I've heard of, it was probably the most poplar prohormone back in the day.
...Theres better non liver-killing drugs out there trust me.

yeah it just kind of fell in my lap so to speak, so thought I would throw it in with the test I'm running.
what would you compare it to as far as more common drugs out there? thanks.
Use it like you would dbol or anadrol imo. Like a kickstart or a oral addition to your cycle. Some people love it and use it in a lot of their cycles.
Yes, it was legal a few years ago. It's comparable to Anadrol ! I love the stuff. Very very toxic to your liver. Never run longer then 4 weeks. Liver care a must as with any oral or cycle in that case.
what would you compare it to as far as more common drugs out there? thanks.
Like the guys said, its classified as a prohormone but really its just a steroid in disguise. Its comparable to regular orals like anadrol or dbol.