Is accutane really that bad? Kind of out of options....

So accutane is isoTretinoin which dries the sebaceous glands from inside. You need tretinoin cream or gel. not isotretinoin. it will do the same job minus the horrible side effects. I would suggest that you use that one. if that fails, use Aczone 7.5 % (it will get the job done my friend) it is one of the potent shit out there again minus the horrible side effects
You need to tan. The UV ligh in the tanning beds
kills the bacteria. You have an infection. Cut your sugar intake and also ad omega 3 fatty acid to you supplements.
Tried tanning 3x a week for over a definitely helped a bit with the discoloration of the infected areas, but did little to actually clear it up unfortunately :/
The older I get the more I realize how blessed I am as I have never had acne from AAS and my hair grow s faster now and thicker than AT ANY TIME IN MY LIFE.

Jo-u know I m Mr.Low Dose and Mr. No anti E s or sup s instead I address side s with less gear and nutritional needs w food.

And in America(which at 300 million of 7 billion people or 1 /20 the world s pop )drug use both legal and illegal we consume like upwards of 85-90 percent of the total drug consumption of med s. Lobbyist driven capitalism run amok.

I m with DPR; if ur not tanning start and NOT WITH melanotin 2 but with regular 10-12 sun bed app s or 45 -60 min sunning sessions. Unless your live like North of Chesapeake Bay then ur ----ed 1/2 the
I got toasted re plumbing a turbo s down pipe from the f n top side yesterday and my back look s like mid July tan but I m 1425 meter s North of the G of Mexico, god s country son.
I know you study what you put into your body; try less ? And put your most important body part into as many estro heavy carbon based life form s as ur able.

Just my opinion.
I hear ya T. Problem is, I get it even when cruising. I've always had a bit of bacne since my teens but its getting ridiculous.
I dont have any experience with it. I can tell you that i used to get horrible acne on higher test cycles. I talked to a dermatologist and he suggested simply changing the soap that I used. I have naturally oily skin. He suggested using a moisturizing soap. His idea was that if I added moisture to my skin that my body would stop producing as much oil to compensate for the soap that I used that was essentially drying my skin. I started taking 2 showers a day and have ever since. My acne cleared up within a month and I have never had another issue.
Tried the same thing brother. Medicated soap, moisturizing, ivory, natural, charcoal soap, you name it. I'm doomed lol.
I also did low dose accutane, on a month off a month for maybe 3 months total on time. Did as high as 10 mg a day, dropped down to 10mg EOD

no sides at all, liver values only slightly high.

no more acne, and no more accutane needed.
I also did low dose accutane, on a month off a month for maybe 3 months total on time. Did as high as 10 mg a day, dropped down to 10mg EOD

no sides at all, liver values only slightly high.

no more acne, and no more accutane needed.

That's refreshing to hear.

Like anything's all person dependent. I myself happen to be the type of person whom if there's a side effect to be had, I'll surely suffer it.
That's refreshing to hear.

Like anything's all person dependent. I myself happen to be the type of person whom if there's a side effect to be had, I'll surely suffer it.
the drug companies know there are a subset of people that get a large majority of sides. they exclude them from the studies
Had a friend just come off a 6 month accutane regime. Cleared acne up real nicely. NO sides, had blood test from Dr regularly. Give it a try.
it is usually not wise to trust opinion of poster with as much negative rep as mudflat. Unless you want your dick to end up flat in the mud
yes its really that bad, shouldent even be on the market. we are talking genetic dammage that might not even be seen till many years down the road....
people take this stuff too lightly.
its still safer going through soem cycles of heavy antibiotics than that. ofcourse caution with that also, but I would tdo that 50 times over than use accu even once.
shit now in canada they even make you sign a liability waver before they will give it to you. its nasty stuff. and im talking damage years later AFTER stopping it. just not worth it IMO
What are the side effects of Dr. monitor***8203;ed usage of accutane down the road?
Lots of things. One of the most dramatic is a permanently dead dick. And it seems in your case it has screwed your ability to read. Just google post Accutane syndrome and get out of the mud
I think the steroids done fucked your brains up. You read that or is it bro science cause no where did I read that being one of the side effects! Maybe it's the steroids.