Superdrol bulk log and results


New member
This will be my first cycle of Sdrol. the brand is BEastdrol.
maybe this could be a basic outline for newbs out there looking to do a simple bulk cycle


Epistane - gained 7lbs and 4% body fat
Halodrol - gained 14lbs, and 3%
sUPDERDROL - I Will update my log once a week (or on extra-spectacular days) to display how quick and what kind of gains I am making

Basic Diet(will add macros later)​

Potatoes and Sausage
Snack 1
Bagel with Peanut butter
Chicken and Veggies(will switch veggies to rice(carbs) if gains seem insufficeint by 3rd week
Snack 2
Sandwich and nuts
Hamburger and Pasta
pre work out shake
50g of carbs (maltodextrin)
Post work out shake
50g carb (dextrose)
50 g protein (half powder, half Peanut butter)
1 1/2 cup skim milk

That roughly..
200 protien grams
300-400 g carb
lots of olive oil and omega 3 fats(%?)
3500+ calories

Supplement Dosing
my dosing as of now will be superdrol
depending on what gains I make after the second week, i might or might not up the dosage to 30mg. and also right before the week 3 ends, i will get a blood test done and depending on how fucked up my results are(which i will post online for you to see) i may continue into a forth week.

Pre cycle
-Starting bulking diet
-milk thistle

-s drol 10/20/20/30 3-4 weeks(read above)
-Cycle Support by Aromatase inhibitor (AI) 4- 5 weeks

Post Cyle
-Nolva - 20mg EOD for one week
-Clomid- 150 mg first day, then 50/50/25/25
-Axis Labs HyperTest 4 weeks
- 3g of Vitamin C 00/00/2g/2g/ - everyday last 2 weeks of PCT(cortisol control)

-and probably some St Johns Wart because i seem to get depressed, at least I did during my last few PCTs
-I will not take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). maybe next time I will instead, and then compare results.
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ending my Pre-cycle, tmw start first dose of S-drol

I will not post the strength gains i make on excersizes-
but rather every week I will post total weight gained,
and I will measure and post up circumferance gained in my arms and chest/shoulders.

starting stats
height - 6 ft
weight - 183lbs
bodyfat - 8-9 %
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Hey Shaggs-

Perfect timing. I should have my bdrol in a couple days and I wanted to see what I need to do and take.
How long before u start the bdrol are you going to start the precycle bulking? In week 4, do you start the pct or wait after the cycle?

Foods are going to consist of beef, chicken, hambugers, turkey, peanut butter, almonds, potatos and bagels.

I am just needing the simplest advice on what and how I need to get...pct, liver,...etc.
Hey Shaggs-

Perfect timing. I should have my bdrol in a couple days and I wanted to see what I need to do and take.
How long before u start the bdrol are you going to start the precycle bulking? In week 4, do you start the pct or wait after the cycle?

Foods are going to consist of beef, chicken, hambugers, turkey, peanut butter, almonds, potatos and bagels.

I am just needing the simplest advice on what and how I need to get...pct, liver,...etc.

Pct of Nolva and Clomid will start the day after the SDROL ends.
HyperTest will start a week before my Sdrol ends
Day 2

headaches seem directly related to water intake. If I dont drink a glass of water and piss cystal clear every hour or two, I can feel my head start getting tense.
I advise keeping a glass of water next to your bed when you sleep!!
Pct of Nolva and Clomid will start the day after the SDROL ends.
HyperTest will start a week before my Sdrol ends

Shaggz, thanks dude. I really messed up and wasted my last cycle of Turinabol. I made good gains and I threw it all away because I did nothing to keep it. I went and partied at the lake every weekend this summer and came back and figured my body would not lose what I gained....WRONG!!! I am waiting on the Beast to arrive and I am not going to make the same mistake with this stuff....too good to fck up. So...if I take those three and the Bdrol, I will keep my gains going? Where should I buy? Sorry for all the questions...I just want to be smart this time and I don't know what all the abbreviations stand for that people post. Thanks for all the help bro.
jrtjr - send me a private message with some specific Qs..ill answer them for ya.

Day 3.

I am uping my dosage to 20mg NOW instead of waiting to week 2.
so my updated dosage is
sdrol 20/20/20
Jesus, they just keep making more SDrol clones.

IMO Dude, oral-only cycles are a bad idea. Yes, you'll get good gains from this, but you will lose them quick. Anyone w/ AAS knowledge will tell you this.

I think you should add some Test to the cycle.

Also, how old are you?
jrtjr - send me a private message with some specific Qs..ill answer them for ya.

Day 3.

I am uping my dosage to 20mg NOW instead of waiting to week 2.
so my updated dosage is
sdrol 20/20/20

Shaggz- it won't let me send you a private mssg. I don't know why...
Jesus, they just keep making more SDrol clones.

IMO Dude, oral-only cycles are a bad idea. Yes, you'll get good gains from this, but you will lose them quick. Anyone w/ AAS knowledge will tell you this.

I think you should add some Test to the cycle.

Also, how old are you?

I agree.
There is nothing more than I would like to run 8 weeks of Test with a preloaded 3 weeks of Sdrol. but I dont have access to any gear. so I got to make do with what I have. As far as keeping gains..well we have to see what happens!
I am 28
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I agree.
There is nothing more than I would like to run 8 weeks of Test with a preloaded 3 weeks of Sdrol. but I dont have access to any gear. so I got to make do with what I have. As far as keeping gains..well we have to see what happens!
I am 28

Hey man- Thanks for gettin back to me. I still can't reply privately. Do you have another email? Thanks!
I agree.
There is nothing more than I would like to run 8 weeks of Test with a preloaded 3 weeks of Sdrol. but I dont have access to any gear. so I got to make do with what I have. As far as keeping gains..well we have to see what happens!
I am 28

Look right...
yessss, i started my beast cycle 3 days ago. already feeling the extra energy ( meaning im not sleeping at work lol) just started feeling that energy in th gym so lets see how it goes tonight with chest and tris. im 5'10'' started at 175, clean high protein moderate carb diet 1.5-2 gallons of water a day( thats all i do is drink water all day) on a 6 days a week work out sched. im excited to see your results as well as mine. i will keep you posted!
yessss, i started my beast cycle 3 days ago. already feeling the extra energy ( meaning im not sleeping at work lol) just started feeling that energy in th gym so lets see how it goes tonight with chest and tris. im 5'10'' started at 175, clean high protein moderate carb diet 1.5-2 gallons of water a day( thats all i do is drink water all day) on a 6 days a week work out sched. im excited to see your results as well as mine. i will keep you posted!

how in the hell are you feeling extra energy lol? i so lathargic i feel worthless.

After a week of taking Sdrol, and gaining 7 pounds, ive decided Sdrol is not for me. my thyroid gland/addams apples swells up every couple days, I am so lathargic I have no motivation for anything ALL I want to do is sleep and nap constantly. Its also making it real hard for me to blow my load and I can feel my sex drive decreasing already
and last but not stomach and chest constantly makes wierd graoning and grumbling sounds as if my organs are screaming in pain lol.

SO ends my one week of Sdrol. I will run pct for 2 weeks. I am interested to see if i can manage to keep the 7 lbs i gained. (which i will post a month from now)

If you looking for explosive gains..this well defnitly do the job. but the side effects make it really sucky IMO

in the future, I think i will stick to either Halodrol cycles or Test cycles

I wanna get rid of several bottles of Beastdrol. someone PM me or shoot me a message if interested
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:spit:i feel great. im up 5lbs on day 6 now. dont let this discourage the rest of you. i feel no sides ( atleast not yet). if this keeps up im going to up it from 20mg to 30mg on week 3. different shit has different effects on people i guess. i feel alive and awake all day, and the last 5 days in the gym i have wanted to keep going, and pushing. def feel an increase in my sweating in the gym but i figured thats normal. also when i do lay down to sleep it doesnt keep me up and i wake up feeling energized and awesome.
Shaggz PM me, i got some questions for you if you dont mind