Supplement Guru needed to answer"?"with clomid,Syntrax sauce, and 6-OXO


New member
Greetings gurus. I have a question for all the supplement experts out there. I'm coming off a cycle and I have my clomid ready.The question I have is it best to wait till I finish my clomid therapy before I start my
SYNTRAX(sauce), or is it ok to do it while I'm recovering. Also do I take 6-OXO with the SYNTRAX(sause) or after
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Off cycle

best way to end a cycle is with clen and cytadren. Two days on two days off. Keep your protien & traing intensity high and through in some gh and insulin and you can keep your gains.
Sauce by Syntrax is a 1-test product, which will shut you down, it would be a bit counterproductive to come off with another anabolic hormone, you just wont recover. Take your 6-oxo and save the Sauce for your next cycle.