
New member
This is going to be a 6 week cycle of Osta Max, by Gun Show Supplements.

I would like to thank GUN SHOW SUPPLEMENTS for having my back and making available all the supplements i need - you guys Rock!
For more information go here gunshowsupplements.com/Osta-Max-sarm-p/osta.htm


27 Years Old
202 pounds
Bodyfat: Not sure - Around 12%
Experience: 10+ years, Professional Trainer,
Record Lifts: 420 Raw Bench @ 196 Lbs (training naturally too), 550 Deadlift, 475 Squat

OSTA Dosage: So Currenty i'm 3 weeks in. The first 3 weeks were 1 capsule @ 25mg, now the next 3 weeks will be @ 50 MG (2 capsules)

Current Goal: Maintain Muscle mass and current measurements while dropping 5% bodyfat
Supplements: The only supplements i will be taking in addition to OSTA Max is Glucosamine Sulfate for joints & 1500mg Tribulus in the A.m E.O.D
Pre-workout Supplements: Current taking 600 mg of Caffeine via tablets (stay awake, from CVS )

Diet: Dieting framework is current Spot on. 300g Protein, 230g Carbs, 60g fat. I will be taking in about 2700 calories, which was reduced from about 3500, and reducing calories gradually. 90% of foods will be bodybuilding foods, such as chicken breast and brown rice / sweet potato... That kind of stuff. I"m very disciplined so eating is not an issue. I also track my calories so if i have to eat something bad for convenience i will not exceed my macros.

Training; I was trained by someone very pricey for bodybuilding last year so i'll be applying my own Precision-Training routines and making necessary adjustments as needed. Previously it took me about 12-14 weeks training naturally with no supplements to achieve 8.8-9% body-fat as tested, so hopefully i will obtain that feat and surpass much quicker!

Here is a before pic... had to edit out my not so clean bathroom lol

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This is the start of week 3. Toward the end of the second week i noticed harder pumps and my girlfriend would not stop commenting on how veiny i was. Also was sweating a lot harder in the gym... and i drink 1.5 gallons of water a day so it's not because i wasn't drinking enough Lol. Muscle do feel like they are less sore. Abs starting to get much more definition too.

Week 3 Day 2- OFF Day

Shoulders pretty sore from yesterday's routine. Took my 50mg this morning before i left for work. i haven't eaten anything since 10pm last night... throwing some intermittent fasting in the mix for the last week.. Arms and chest feel pumped without even doing anything.
nice job bro!
iv never used Sarms. seems like they work just as good as AAs but less side effects..
good luck ill def be reading.
nice job bro!
iv never used Sarms. seems like they work just as good as AAs but less side effects..
good luck ill def be reading.

Yeah if diet and training is dialed in it seems like they REALLY accelerate the process. Plus, i train pretty much naturally so being 5-700 calories under maintanence usually will result in some muscle loss over time but thats what im trying yo acheive here... To dodge that bullet. Im pretty happy so far. 3 more weeks to go!
Did legs today and did some ab work... lots of rope jumping too. Abs comin in more and arms more cut. Lighting really sucks...i think i look better in person but here ya go.

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Sup errrbody :)

just a quick update, weight is stabalizing around 197-198, Muscles are still large and seeing more and more slimming of the waist and lower back area; Lower abs are usually the last large spot of fat to go for me before i really get dialed in to a low BF % so this is pretty cool. I'll have a pic posted up soon. Going to switch diet up a little... calories are pretty much going to stay the same and macros will all be the same but splitting my meals up to higher protein post-workout. Basically just moving my protein, that's it.
Another few days gone by... Lower abs starting to come in more.

A LOT more should / chest / bicep vascularity. Lots of people asking me "when is the competition?" which is funny because i haven't planned on competing. Definitely extremely satisfied with the results so far. Just finishing the first 3 weeks so i have another couple weeks to go :)
upped dosage to 75MG this week to see if any changes are made

increase water so drinking about 2 gallons a day. looking dry and leaner, muscles are hard. weight stabalized at 197 / 196.8
I did an Osta run a couple of months ago and my appatite was pretty much non existent by the 3rd week. I just force ate the rest of the run.
I did an Osta run a couple of months ago and my appatite was pretty much non existent by the 3rd week. I just force ate the rest of the run.

i still get pretty damn hungry, not gonna lie Lol i'm getting good results but yea, fighting those food cravings haha
Threw in some eupepsia 8 from gun show which basically going to help control my appetite a little. Progress has sustained, just working on my tan so i can take a decent picture. Serratus is coming out more which looks pretty cool
this is really interesting.
so u don't inject anything even the test is oral? u get gains from them?
i mean i see u getting stronger. I'm new to this so hope its not to mucht double asking u all these questions lol
this is really interesting.
so u don't inject anything even the test is oral? u get gains from them?
i mean i see u getting stronger. I'm new to this so hope its not to mucht double asking u all these questions lol

No please, ask away

There is no actual test in the product or direct test booster. The osta is in a capsule dosed at 25mg per cap. So all u have to do is pop them once a day with a meal or on an empty stomach. No injection or nothing and its so mild of a compound that u don't need liver support or anything... If your going to run 50mg past week 4, a test booster (such as test drive or nads) is recommended. But even then suppression is extremely minor

I didnt comment on the fact that strength is definitely gong up. Most lifts i normally do, like 90 pound incline dumbell flyes i can do for 15 reps LOL.. before i was doing them for 6/7 reps full stretch. Its been a great 4 weeks!