Survey: How long to maintain after quitting the juice for good

pinch yves

New member
Let's say we have a guy that is 5'10" 150 11%bf when he starts lifting.
His measurements: 33 waist, 40 chest
He lifts naturally for two years and gets to 190 11%bf, 33 waist 45 chest.
He juices for two years and builds himself to 230 11%, 33 waist 51 chest.
How long do you think that BBer will be able to maintain that 51" chest without using the juice again?
This depends on so many factors, but with proper diet and training he can maintain much of that size.
Age is probably a big factor. Let's says he's 24 when he stops the juice. His natural test levels are average for his age.
pinch yves said:
Age is probably a big factor. Let's says he's 24 when he stops the juice. His natural test levels are average for his age.

Genetics mean a boatload more than age. I'm sure guys with great genetics could maintain that size with continued training/diet. Others may shrink back down to 190. There really isn't any way to tell man.
Arthur Jones was asked a similar question once regarding sergio oliva, he was asked if sergio would be able to maintain his mass if he quit taking steroids, arthur said that sergio would loose mass for upto 6 months and whatever he ended up with from there on he would most likely keep.
I have also seen studies where it took the body 6 months to bring back its natural testosterone post steroid therapy. This is also the reason why I wait so patiently before starting a new cycle. I personally like to take off 8 months between each cycle. Cycle length plus post cycle therapy (pct) , multiplied by 2 equals time off for me, roughly 8 months.