sus brown bottle

zulu b37

New member
iv bought these amps the glass is brown with a white snap stripe and 2 more above it ones yellow and the others red , the batch numbers 2419 SK09/14 , i think there from Turkey , any info would be hugely appreciated

Been on a few sites and alot are saying there ok. Do you know anybody who as taken this one. looks a bit dodgey to me. this is from a other forum.

i will put this spelling mistake nonsense to bed. i had batch 1269 with the spelling mistake tested. you know the one with the e instead of the s. was tested by someone who is a chemist and bodybuilder...the results cam back 100% real. he had a big smile ask me where i got them i just smiled back and says thank you. this is not a fake this is legit organon gear, very pure stuff. i asked him about the spelling mistake..he said organon might not wanted to change the printing presses due to cost to profit margin. again anyone who has these they are legit and very pure start the cycle with no worries mate. and put these bull**** rumors to rest. by the way all my vials were the same size
PH do not exist in turkey. they write "photo"= Foto.

f instead PH, like the italians.
Thanks for the replys. Die$eL~Man dont get what you mean sorry im a bit dim. What do you think good to go or in the bin.
just wanted to report back. 4 weeks in and there good, So the miss spelt bach is good. thanks for the replys and messenges i was going to bin them, So thanks
just wanted to report back. 4 weeks in and there good, So the miss spelt bach is good. thanks for the replys and messenges i was going to bin them, So thanks

I also have the 2419 batch with the mispelling "toe", picked up 10amps and don't want to toss them bc I can't return them now. Just wondering how long you ran it and what pct you went with? Results worth trying them? Feedback is appreciated
How did you do with those brown sus vials if you don't mind me asking? I used those or what looked just like them years ago and they were great.
the production of this product was stopped in 2009, plenty of fakes on the market. cannot tell if the one in photo is real or fake because the fake is very similar.