Sus, EQ, Anadrol cycle. Aware me please


New member
Plans for 3rd cycle coming up.
Stats: 6'0", 240lbs, 13%BF, 7 years lifting

Looks like this
Week 1-16 Sustanon 270 (GP) at 810mg/wk
Week 1-15 Eq at 400mg/wk
Week 1-5 Anadrol at 25mg/day
Arimidex .5 EOD
Proviron maybe?
Any benefit to throw some T3 on the end of it since its like a lean bulk?

Ive never ran eq or anadrol so Im not sure on other support stuff to take with it. Lots of scattered info on interwebs and figured you guys could clear it up for me. Let me know whats up here, but dont rip me a new one if something is off. Does it look ok?
Both the EQ and adrol doses are woefully inadequate. Pick one or the other; you want to know what each is doing, and you'd be guessing if something nasty pops up as to which is causing what.

T3 takes time to work, so tossing it in the end will just be a waste of money. If you want to run T3, start it from the beginning, but again - that's tossing in two new compounds at once, which is not advised.

I don't see a PCT outlined either. I know some guys don't figure that's part of a cycle, but it's good to list that as well, to show completeness in your plans.

My .02c :)
Drug Interaction Report -[]=major&types[]=minor&types[]=moderate&types[]=food&professional=1

There is a drug interaction between Testosterone Enanthate and Liothyronine (T3), and even T4. And, through experience it will completely stop any gains if the dosing is not done correctly. So, if you're throwing in new substances without first knowing how those work.. tossing T3 into the cocktail may just bring all good effects to a screeching halt, or cause new bad effects to arise.

If I were to recommend anything, I would say up the EQ to 600mg/wk and drop the Anadrol. EQ is said to be mild and slow to show. It's also widely preached how useless it is unless ran at 600mg+/wk for 14-16 weeks.

Anadrol will bring a mixed bag of sides to many who use it. Personally, I would leave this for your next cycle if you ever do use it. If you add only EQ, you'll only have to manage sides of 1. a substance you already have experience with (test), and 2. EQ, which will be the only new variable and likely the reason behind any newly developed side effects that Test hasn't given you before. Adding Anadrol next time around will be acceptable if doing another Test/EQ run, because you'll know how these two work with your body, and newly developed sides then would be from the Anadrol. Get it?

With that being said, I would expect you to treat T3 in the same manner. And, even more importantly in this case... If you add T3 in at the end where your EQ will be thriving.. what if you stop your gains because you added too high of a dose? Wouldn't it have been smarter to test it earlier on, seen that you weren't consistently gaining anything, and then lowered the dose to better suit the cycle in it's most crucial weeks?

To give you maybe, a better view on the T3 description. I am personally on Test E, beginning Week 11 in the A.M., and have learned quite a bit along the way. I have Hypothyroidism, and I take T4 to help me maintain a neutral Thyroid function. When I added 500mg Test/wk, it interacted with my T4, and basically turned me into a god damn calorie burning machine! I could eat, and eat, and eat bad shit on top of my 4k+ calories of clean food every day and barely pull out a 1/4lb a week! I was 190lbs and seeing week after week go by with no results.. You wouldn't want to take yourself into a slightly hyper environment with T3, and then have your Test amplify it to the point of no gains right? And, I'm not saying this will 100% happen to you, but this is something that would need to be monitored and needs to be known about.. If you throw EQ, Anadrol and then T3 into the mix.. how will you even know what is causing what problems if you have no experience with any of them being added in 1 by 1?

My .02c, Keep It Simple Stupid.
Drug Interaction Report -[]=major&types[]=minor&types[]=moderate&types[]=food&professional=1

There is a drug interaction between Testosterone Enanthate and Liothyronine (T3), and even T4. And, through experience it will completely stop any gains if the dosing is not done correctly. So, if you're throwing in new substances without first knowing how those work.. tossing T3 into the cocktail may just bring all good effects to a screeching halt, or cause new bad effects to arise.

If I were to recommend anything, I would say up the EQ to 600mg/wk and drop the Anadrol. EQ is said to be mild and slow to show. It's also widely preached how useless it is unless ran at 600mg+/wk for 14-16 weeks.

Anadrol will bring a mixed bag of sides to many who use it. Personally, I would leave this for your next cycle if you ever do use it. If you add only EQ, you'll only have to manage sides of 1. a substance you already have experience with (test), and 2. EQ, which will be the only new variable and likely the reason behind any newly developed side effects that Test hasn't given you before. Adding Anadrol next time around will be acceptable if doing another Test/EQ run, because you'll know how these two work with your body, and newly developed sides then would be from the Anadrol. Get it?

With that being said, I would expect you to treat T3 in the same manner. And, even more importantly in this case... If you add T3 in at the end where your EQ will be thriving.. what if you stop your gains because you added too high of a dose? Wouldn't it have been smarter to test it earlier on, seen that you weren't consistently gaining anything, and then lowered the dose to better suit the cycle in it's most crucial weeks?

To give you maybe, a better view on the T3 description. I am personally on Test E, beginning Week 11 in the A.M., and have learned quite a bit along the way. I have Hypothyroidism, and I take T4 to help me maintain a neutral Thyroid function. When I added 500mg Test/wk, it interacted with my T4, and basically turned me into a god damn calorie burning machine! I could eat, and eat, and eat bad shit on top of my 4k+ calories of clean food every day and barely pull out a 1/4lb a week! I was 190lbs and seeing week after week go by with no results.. You wouldn't want to take yourself into a slightly hyper environment with T3, and then have your Test amplify it to the point of no gains right? And, I'm not saying this will 100% happen to you, but this is something that would need to be monitored and needs to be known about.. If you throw EQ, Anadrol and then T3 into the mix.. how will you even know what is causing what problems if you have no experience with any of them being added in 1 by 1?

My .02c, Keep It Simple Stupid.

That drug interaction goes for any Androgen taken with T4 or T3. Including Sustanon, Test C, E, Winstrol, Test Prop, etc.
You are so badass. This is info I would have to google for days to find out. I never even considered the T3 reaction. So what I got out of this is dont run more than one compound that you have never ran before, introduce one new one at a time. OK so I basically need to pick on and up the dosages a bit.

So would it be safe to say that EQ would be more beneficial at 600mg/wk for 15 weeks then just anadrol for 5 weeks? I know anadrol does wicked things. And yes I was aware of the EQ raising rbc and giving blood to keep it under control.

Hypnotix, Thank you for taking the time to post link and long post. I feel as if I might have thyroid issues myself as it runs in my family (sister had lymphoma). So I may just go to the doc over that.

Halfwit, for a pct I was considering one of two things. I really wanted to cruise on test c from this cycle to another but I understand that the dosages need to be dialed in. The main reason why this idea was considered was how ineffective my last pct was. Clomid and nolva for 4 weeks at the textbook dosages and I still had difficulty "feeling" right. For some reason clomid always gives me bad sides. Its almost march, and Im just now feeling normal again from the cycle that ended in august! I have had no drive, no libido, no appetite for the last few months. It was just a 15 week test cycle at 500mg/wk with armidex.

Sooo, essentially I was looking for a way out of that, temporarily, and because I wanted to run another blast about 3 months after this one ends and just cruise inbetween. If this all sound dumb as phuck then Im going to do a 6 week clomid/nolva pct.

Once again cant thank you guys enough for helping me out!