Sust 250 redijects

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SofaGeorge said:
There are constant "rumors" that one juice or another is underdosed. These rumors usually disappear with the first lab test. Then everyone who spoke authoratatively about one juice being underdosed moves on to the next juice de jeur... speaking equally authoratatively about that juice.

Rumors and beliefs don't mean much. Post a lab test.

Well, at least you didn't flame me this time. It's really not just a rumor that I base this on. I've never gotten good results from Mexican rediject. They piss in the Corona beer. What makes you think they wouldn't dilute or underdose product?
Juice Authority said:
Well, at least you didn't flame me this time. It's really not just a rumor that I base this on. I've never gotten good results from Mexican rediject. They piss in the Corona beer. What makes you think they wouldn't dilute or underdose product?

It is just a rumor until a lab test is performed.

I've heard rumors of fake and underdosed redijects for 15 years. I've never seen one yet... and I've never seen a lab test that supports redijects being underdosed.

It's possible it could happen... but there isn't any evidence of it. Pop the $75 for a lab test and send in one of your redijects.
SofaGeorge said:
It is just a rumor until a lab test is performed.

I've heard rumors of fake and underdosed redijects for 15 years. I've never seen one yet... and I've never seen a lab test that supports redijects being underdosed.

It's possible it could happen... but there isn't any evidence of it. Pop the $75 for a lab test and send in one of your redijects.

Why? What's the point? I have gotten good results from the Sustanon (sust) 250 Vet gear that comes in 10cc or 20cc vials. It's a lot cheaper when you buy it that way too.
Juice Authority said:
Why? What's the point? I have gotten good results from the Sustanon (sust) 250 Vet gear that comes in 10cc or 20cc vials. It's a lot cheaper when you buy it that way too.

If you want to state it is underdosed... back it up.

I personally don't use redijects anymore either. I average 2 grams of test a week. That would be 3 shots with 3cc syringes... and all the hassle of loading the redijects into a bigger syringe. I can get that in one syringe when I use BL without the bother.

But for a long time redijects were the ONLY reliable test coming into the country that was 100% consistant in quality.
SofaGeorge said:
If you want to state it is underdosed... back it up.

I personally don't use redijects anymore either. I average 2 grams of test a week. That would be 3 shots with 3cc syringes... and all the hassle of loading the redijects into a bigger syringe. I can get that in one syringe when I use BL without the bother.

But for a long time redijects were the ONLY reliable test coming into the country that was 100% consistant in quality.

Agreed. They did use to be consistent in quality years ago but as of late people's experiences have been different.
Juice Authority said:
Agreed. They did use to be consistent in quality years ago but as of late people's experiences have been different.

99% of the time people's bad experience with a juice is based on their own stupidity. They train like crap and eat like crap... then the say the juice was fake or underdosed. You can take 100% great sustanon and get shitty results simply by not getting enough protein.

I've heard many people complain about the quality of a steroid. The problem is almost always with the person not the drug.

Similarly - Brovel was underdosed for years, but many vets still swore by it. Why? Because even underdosed they were training right and eating right... so they were still making good gains on the 300mg of test a week they were taking... even though they thought they were taking 600mg.
Yes, but what if the person trains right and knows what they are doing and still gets minimal gains???

Well it doesn't matter anymore. I think they are crap.....

People around my gym even stay away from those things now. I just don't like them.........
SofaGeorge said:
Remember when they were $1.20 and you could bring them back in your car by the crate? :)

$1.20 - Wow! How many years ago was that?