Sust 300, Mast E & Anavar (var) cycle log.


Beast m0de never sleeps
Sust 300, Mast E & Var cycle log.

I will add some before pics very soon.

I'm starting my 3rd cycle, going to look something like this:

1-15 Test sustanon 300 @ 600mg/wk
1-15 Masteron E 520mg/wk
1-4 (maybe) superdrol 20mg ED
4-15 Var 60mg/ED
15-18/19 Test Prop 600mg/wk
1-20 Arimidex 0.25mg/ED
1-20/21 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu 2x/wk then 500iu EOD before and during PCT

also been taking clomid 25mg ED for about 45 days now, & going to take it throughout the cycle right up until pct

20-24 Clomid 100/100/50/50
20-24 Nolva 40/40/20/20
20-24 Igf1-lr3 Minimum dose

Everything is from AML (except for SD & the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I had laying around) so going to review their products at the same time


My main goal is recovery after the cycle is over, goals during cycle; Lean mass, strength, fat loss (a bit)

Current Stats:
8-9% bf

Been lifting for 4 years +
diet is spot on, I eat every 2hrs & pretty much the exact same thing every fkn day except for when I have steak on sundays & wednesdays & horse meat on fridays
Currently maintaining with the above stats, not gaining/losing any muscle or fat ATM.

Let me know what you think, I'll try to post as soon as I can.
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not sure why you want the s-drol, everything else looks great. planning on posting pics?

oh out of curiosity, why the switch from Sustanon (sust) to prop? why not just stick with one or the other?
not sure why you want the s-drol, everything else looks great. planning on posting pics?

oh out of curiosity, why the switch from Sustanon (sust) to prop? why not just stick with one or the other?

I don't think I'll take the SD, just have lots on hand and wanna get rid of it.
As for the sust, it leaves your system very slowly (because of the multiple esters) the prop & phenyl prop are gone and the other two are still in your system, therefor if I run prop until the longer esters clear I have more test and can get out quickly without my synthetic test getting really low before pct.

1st pin about 30mins ago, went very smoothly, I did the mistake of adding 1cc b12 to the syringe though, the syringe was full & had to inject a bit of stuff before being able to aspirate, oh well I learned from that lol.
I like this cycle a lot. I loved sdrol but taking that and then jumping into that var may reak too much havoc on your liver.
I like this cycle a lot. I loved sdrol but taking that and then jumping into that var may reak too much havoc on your liver.

That's what I was thinking, specially since I wanna run the var for 11wks @ 60mg ED. I'm going to stick to the cycle without the SD.
Thanks for your input.
I wouldnt set the Adex dosage...I would use upon how you feel.

Nice pics btw, i m really looking forward to seeing the progress with your cycle.
Right on guys! thanks for the info, I'm always looking forward to new knowledge.
What do you guys think about my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) dosage? What would you run for HCG??

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I like the 2nd & 3rd pic here. Even though my back looks like a pizza. I think its mostly genetics because my brother is 21yo and also has lots of acne on his back, and I know for a fact he never touched AAS.
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Ok so I just injected Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for the first time ever, sub-Q, 250iu, and its painless, I love the whole process of mixing it and shooting it up. I put it in a ziploc baggie & in a clean shaker cup in the fridge because I don't want anyone to find it lol.

Also injected my 2nd dose of Sustanon (sust) so far (0.5cc) in my left calf which is a virgin muscle, I injected b12 in my right calf once but that's it, I'm trying to find new injection spots since I'm gonna be injecting Sustanon (sust) EOD, and when I pulled the needle out blood started pissing out, this is the 2nd time it happened so far (also happened on my first cycle) I actually licked the blood and it didn't taste like the Sustanon (sust) oil so I probably didn't lose any test (hopefully) I left the syringe stuck in my calf for a few mins before pulling it out so hopefully it had time to spread out and only blood came out because I nicked a vein.

Anyways just an update, idk if its the fast acting prop or placebo but since first shot friday I feel way more confident, energy & great workouts, & its only been a few days, probably just in my head lol next shot is tuesday 1.3cc Mast E & 0.5cc sust.

How long does it usually take for someone to feel the sust? keep in mind the Sustanon (sust) I have is 300mg/ml (50mg prop extra per cc) that's why I'm injecting EOD.
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I feel the test within 24-48 hrs. Even cyp and Ena. I dont think its in your head, that sustanon is fukin badass
I feel the test within 24-48 hrs. Even cyp and Ena. I dont think its in your head, that sustanon is fukin badass

I fkn love it so far lol can't wait for everything to fully kick in & add the var on week 4. I was gonna take the var right from the beginning but a lot of guys here say its better to end with var than to start with it.