Sust 300, Mast E & Anavar (var) cycle log.

strength has definitely gone up (not tenfold but I do do more reps on each sets with the same weight & find it easier) I also noticed For some odd reason I don't sweat as much as I used to before, could it be the masteron? Also my skin is super soft to the touch (feels dry) kinda like when you take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) when you really need it (idk if you understand). I have a real noticeable increase in endurance & stamina also, Most likely the high androgenic action from the mast, adding the Anavar (var) real soon! (maybe tomorrow lol).

I'll, keep you guys updated, thanks for following!
Hey, I started the Anavar (var) yesterday (monday) at 7am (taking 20mg every 8hrs) and by 9pm I was already starting to get back pumps, the next day at the gym it was already hurting fairly bad for the amount of time I've been on it, I don't really wanna stop it, but I gotta get some taurine to help, is there anything else I can do/take to help with the back pumps? I think I'm more prone to it than others...
Hey, I started the Anavar (var) yesterday (monday) at 7am (taking 20mg every 8hrs) and by 9pm I was already starting to get back pumps, the next day at the gym it was already hurting fairly bad for the amount of time I've been on it, I don't really wanna stop it, but I gotta get some taurine to help, is there anything else I can do/take to help with the back pumps? I think I'm more prone to it than others...

already getting back pumps? i have never had a single back pump on Anavar (var) ,i normally only get back pumps on Adrol, there Anavar (var) must be POTENT as FUCK!
already getting back pumps? i have never had a single back pump on var,i normally only get back pumps on Adrol, there Var must be POTENT as FUCK!

Yeah man, its not as bad now, started taurine, but the first 2 days were quite painful (since I work delivering furniture) can't wait to see the legs workout on saturday, how the back pumps are gonna be, back & leg workouts are the worst for back pumps I find.
Update, I just finished the 6th week of my cycle, (3rd week of anavar starts monday the 29th) and I gotta say I'm loving var so far, I'm getting good strength gains, hardness and am a bit more cut (maybe 1% less bf than before) weight in at about 215lbs compared to 212 when I first started, lost some fat too so its pretty good so far. Only thing I don't like about the var is that its giving me heart burns, I don't see what else it could be other than the var, my diet is always the same lol. Anyone know what I can do/take to lower the heart burns? I do take each var with a meal. I have enough for 8wks @ 60mg/day, I was thinking of getting some more to run it 11wks but if the heart burns continue I'll run the var only 8 wks.

Fkn masteron is giving my an incredible sex drive, I'm literally getting dreams (not wet dreams, just nighttime stiffy's) where I'm getting sucked off by a women even though I'm getting laid on a daily basis. plus I get random boners here and there, I was at work today with a fkn boner that lasted over an hour, for no reason just a random boner lol. I wouldn't see what else it could be other than the masteron...

Edit: going to have to post some pics very soon!
Great log man! keep it up!

Cant wait to start my AML for the first time! :)

Well i took an hrt dose pin of t300, but im not counting that as a start up, need to wait another week or so.
but not much pip sofar.
2 Months in so far & loving the results! I pose/flex a bit when I come out of the shower, I almost look like a competitive bber, with veins & striations and all, gaining some solid mass & shedding some bf at the same time, even though I've boosted up my cals (mostly with sardines & Peanut butter) still ripped as fk! I'm loving the Anavar (var) ! Only 2 negative I can see is the back pumps, which aren't that bad, mostly on leg days with stiff legged deads (I've had worst back pumps with dbol) and joint pain (which was also worst with dbol) strength has gone up significantly so it kinda justifies the joint pain, specially on squats, the gym kids think I'm a beast! Plus I didn't gain some crazy size fast so they still think I'm natty lol!

I'm hoping AML stocks up very soon because I have enough Anavar (var) for 8wks @ 60mg/day but I wanted to run it for 11 weeks, if they end up making that 10/10 Anavar (var) & tbol I'll probably end up getting a bottle of that and running the last 3 weeks 30mg Anavar (var) & 30mg tbol ED then when I'm done the masteron I'll stop sust and jump on prop for 3-4 weeks with some IGF-1 for 2 months (1 month pre-pct & 1 month during pct)
Oh and another thing I noticed is that I sweat A LOT less than I did pre-cycle, I'm thinking its the masteron because I stopped sweating at around the same time the mast kicked in, anyone else noticed that with masteron? I mean my leg days I was covered in sweat from head to toe by the time I was done, and now I do still sweat on leg days but not nearly as much!!
Currently on week 9 of the sust, mast and Anavar (var) & really loving it so far, I gained a lot of strength, decent size and no visible sides, so far no hair loss nothing!
I'm kinda stuck at 220lbs though, body fat I estimate 8-9%, been eating a lot of peanut butter with my meals lol, I probably would have to eat more if I'd wanna gain more size, friends and family keep telling me I'm bigger every time they see me (I think they always say that regardless) but I did start at 210-ish lbs when I started the cycle with the body fat pretty much the same.
Ok so my cycle changed a little bit, I wanted to run Sustanon (sust) 600/wk 15wks mast E 520/wk 14 wks & 9 wks of Anavar (var) towards the end, then finish it with prop for 3-4 wks but I was making an order recently for one of my friend & me, and decided last minute pretty much to get t400 instead of prop to finish the cycle, now for about the same price I'm getting ~10wks t400 @ 800mg/wk compared to 3-4 wks prop @ 600mg/wk, this will allow me to run a 25 week cycle instead of 18, I want to run the t400 with IGF1-lr3 and keeping using the IGF throughout pct since nolva supposedly reduces IGF levels.

Good news is I'm up 10lbs since I started 10 wks ago, and lost at least 1% bf, I boosted my calories and keep upping them every week, mostly with protein and healthy fats like peanut butter or sardines lol. was 212lbs when I started & now am 222lbs at around 8% bf. One thing I find is I can eat A LOT of calories but don't seem to gain any fat, must be from the Anavar (var) & ephedrine I take.

Let me know what you guys think so far, I'm going to keep posting as I change the cycle later.
Damn bro. Thats very nice!!! 10 pounds of lean muscle with fat loss over a cycle is great...and you re like only halfway....
Keep it up man!