sust 300


New member
Im on my 4th week of Sustanon (sust) 300 running 900mg a week,needless to say im not impressed,does this take longer to kick in or what?my first cycle kicked ass ant that was just prop and tren,almost feel like I should stick to that type of cycle but maybe im being impatient,any ideas whats up?
I trust the ug lab i got it from,got Winstrol (winny) eq test all was good so I would guess the Sustanon (sust) would be good but it is possible.....
I think ill give it another week and if i dont start to see anything im gonna try transfering to prop whinny tren combo for remaining7-8 weeks
Doesnt sound good, I also have a bottle of ProLine's 300mg Sus. After 1wk I know if the gear I'm taking is good or not. And that is usually with any gear. Some say this and that gear doesnt kick in until 3-5wks but that might be the full effect of that gear. But I still feel it between the first and second wk. Orals is usually days when I feel it.