When your thinking about combining compounds, going over a gram (as a total for all compounds) is kinda the inevitable thing that happens.
Being your limited based on the gear you can obtain and thus the dosing protocol -- I'll throw this out there.
500 mg a week sustanon
500 mg a week deca
Your only having 1ml 250 mg vials will make this simple.. Only two injections per week. Fill your syringe with 1cc of sust (250 mg) and 1cc of deca (250 mg) and inject twice weekly. (( NOTE: sustanon is best injected at less mg and more often per week,, but I'm trying to work with your situation and access to only 1ml vials))
This will put you at the one gram mark and give you multiple compounds-- However: I suggest you front load and get your test levels up before doing an equal dosage of test and deca (if libido is a concern for you).. My last cycle I ran test cyp and test prop to get levels up before the deca kicked in.. If you can't get test prop,, then just use that test E you have access to,, run it with the sustanon for a few weeks then add in the deca.
Personally I just prefer having way more gear then I need so I can dose however I want at any mg I want (I mean heck what if you dropped a vial and it broke,, what are u gonna stop your cycle and wait to order another)