New member
I just wanted to inform any women here who have an interest in taking a test cycle that I have been on a sust 250/dbol for 4 weeks now. This is an 8 week cycle and I have had very few side effects thus far. I have had all the normal stuff such as those dbol lower back pumps, very little acne, huge gains in strength, slightly larger clitoris, higher blood pressure. I am taking 250 per week of sust and 10mg ed of dbol. I am quitting the dbol this week. I did a cycle similiar to this once before but used testoviron 250 instead of the test. I haven't had all of the terrible side effects that we all so often hear about. Please realize that everyones body is differerent. For instance I do not grow extra hair on a cycle but I am from South America originally and like a lot of women from there I dont have to shave my legs because there is no hair there to shave. If you have questions regarding my cycle or test for women please don't hesitate to ask.