I've been using AAS for almost two years now and have seen great results, although I'm thinking about giving up my dream of becoming a pro and just focusing on have a good physique and a good career. I've used prohormones for about a year before starting AAS and had great results with them, and I only used them because I didn't have a source yet for AAS. As of now, I want to spend less money on stuff and still see good results. If I make a switch from AAS to prohormones, can I still see good results? My goal is to have a good muscular physique around 250lb or so and not risk breaking the law and ruining my life. I also don't like having to spend a lot of money up front to order goods and risk not getting what I ordered.
25 y/o, bodybuilding for 6 years
232lb 12% BF 5'-11" tall
Prohormones used: Tren (prohormone), Black Magik, Edge, Warrior, Trenazone, Ultradrol, Winni & Anavar (prohormones)
AAS used: Test-E, Test-P, Tren-A, Tren-E, EQ, Dbol, Anadrol
25 y/o, bodybuilding for 6 years
232lb 12% BF 5'-11" tall
Prohormones used: Tren (prohormone), Black Magik, Edge, Warrior, Trenazone, Ultradrol, Winni & Anavar (prohormones)
AAS used: Test-E, Test-P, Tren-A, Tren-E, EQ, Dbol, Anadrol