swollen feet/test prop/kidney problems...


New member
Hi all!

Hope someone can help me so I will try to be as accurate as i can.

few months ago i went under treatment for high blood pressure and higher(er) creatine levels in blood and my feet often after carb up started swelling.
it showed something was wrong with my kidneys since protein in blood was also high. normal was 0.27 mine was 2.7.
at that time i was using tren ace and sustanone and getting ready for a show. he gave me gopten 0.5mg and norvasc 5mg since my BP was 200/135.
after 3-4 wks my BP was normal 130/85.
all values including creatine went down(from 189 to 160 in one month of therapy). creatinine clearence was spot on in normal ranges.

after 13 wks of beeing clean 2 weeks ago i started taking 300mg test prop ALONE and t3 for summer cut. first week i only took 200mg and this tuesday i noticed my lower legs and feet started swelling and filling with water.
i measured my BP and it was 127/85. almost perfect. i told my doctor about my feet and he told me NORVASC was guilty. i searched online and i see ppl having BRUTAL side-effects and mostly water retenion in legs and feet.

i must ask any bros here can test , especially this fast(within a week) cause my water retention but NOT in my entire body and my BP was great(since water causes higher BP). ive been on norvasc for 2 months now.
also i know i am probably asking to get flamed here but summer is coming and im outta shape but is it prudent to go on with my cycle , but keep in mind i am using 300mg test only...

Hope you guys can give me some advice since i feel as if nuclear bomb exploded in my head how i look now in mirror and want to get back in shape ASAP.
Have you checked your estradiol? Are you using an aromatase inhibitor. Sounds like high E2.

Tren is toxic for your kidneys too so that doesn't help.

Drink a lot of water!
no i am not using tren NOW... i used it in before before i got my tests. i made 1 test when i was using test/tren and one more when i stopped everything.
but how can E2 get high in only 1 week and with dose of only 200mg?
no i am not using tren NOW... i used it in before before i got my tests. i made 1 test when i was using test/tren and one more when i stopped everything.
but how can E2 get high in only 1 week and with dose of only 200mg?

Prop acts pretty quickly. It could be elevating your E2 already . See my signature and get your E2 checked. Use the Buy Lab Tests Online | Private MD Labs one.

Are you pinning 200mg EOD or something like that?
Checking your E2 is easy, fast and cheap. You could have results back in 24 hours. I would go in on Monday. You may need an Aromatase Inhibitor.

Get the Hormone Panel for Females (for men too). It will show you how your kidneys are doing too.
Before you buy the blood test, sign up for their newsletter. When you do, you will get a discount code that can be used 3 times in a month (I think it is 3), so it is worth signing up for. Every month you will get a new discount code from them.
Thanks will do. Can t3 cause feet swelling?

I have never heard of that as a side effect, but that does not mean it cannot do it. Easiest way to find out is to stop the T3 and let the body start producing its own again (will happen pretty quick) and see if the swelling goes away. I had swelling when I started using Deca with Test, but I took Benadryl and it went away. After two weeks I no longer had the swelling - my body got used to it. Swelling was only in one of my feet (the right foot). Very odd.
what are your current stats?

Also I think it sounds like E2. If My estradiol gets high my ankles and feet swell. At my age it is called pitting edema. There are a number of causes but when on cycle it's the water retention. From E2.
thanks for all the replys.
so you guys belive that its possible for test prop to elevate E2 after only 3 shots? i forgot to say i am using winny also 50mg spread every 3-4h but honestly i am not sure if this winny is legit because i am growing from it and have 0 pain in my calves like i had when i used old zambon back in the day.
my stats atm- measuerd with omron and tanita arew 94kg , 16% BF which is my highest bf in last 10 years...
I have had the same issues on test prop/anavar cycle and have hat to stop as the water retention becomes so bad. Even thought my E2 was low.

I still don't know what the cause is, but i think the high test had some negative effect on my adrenals/cortisol level causing some weird water retention issue... But like i said I'm still not sure...