Synovex-H conversion


New member
i plan on converting synovex to test prop... im going to order dazed's kit to remove the estro and leave me with the powder. what kit should i pick up for the conversion from powder to oil. im getting myself a little confused here and could use some help...
just use researchkits! its all there for conversion!
everything stated is for research reasons,I do not use nor do I condone the use of any illegal substances
cdog said:
just use researchkits! its all there for conversion!
everything stated is for research reasons,I do not use nor do I condone the use of any illegal substances

How about removing the estrogen? will the wash / repeat process do this just as good as the solubilizer? If you use NaOh, would that change how you'd mix the prop for injection?:confused:
Just get the complete kit from Dazed.............his oil/solvent makes a completely painless injection.