T3 . . . What's the highest you'd want your temp?


Throwing Cookies
What's the highest you'd want your temp while on t3? Been consistently 100-101 for last 3 days. I'm feeling a little run down so going to lower the dose from 110 to 90mcg/ day. I have ran t3 2 previous times and 110 seemed to be my sweet spot.

34 years old. 6'3 249. Lifting hard again for 4 years now. Cycling for 3. Will post cycle if anyone cares/needs it
Last cycle was test/tren/mast
I've ran tren 2 cycles so while I have experience w/ 19nors, I've never ran deca and this will also be my first time running dbol.

Stats:6'3 250 been lifting for 4 years and cycling about 3 of those.
Planning to go back on carb cycle for this run.

I have ~25 ml of test prop left over and I don't ever plan to run a short ester again. So here's the plan:
Weeks 1-5 test p 150mg eod & test e 250 mon/thurs
Weeks 6-12 test e 250/deca 300 mon/thurs
Weeks 12-16 test e 250/deca 300 mon/thurs 50mg dbol ed
T3 weeks 3-16 100mcg/day
Clen ramp up to 120mcg & I will begin keto after 2 weeks.
12.5 aromasin
250iu hgc 2x weekly
You sure you don't have a cold too? I've run T3 pretty high with all sorts of goodies, and never broke above 99.6F.
You sure you don't have a cold too? I've run T3 pretty high with all sorts of goodies, and never broke above 99.6F.

Wit, am I supposed to take temp in my armpit or in my mouth? Armpit reads 100.2 right now. Under tongue reads 98.9. I SANITIZED THE THERM BEFORE MOUTH USE LOL
Wit, am I supposed to take temp in my armpit or in my mouth? Armpit reads 100.2 right now. Under tongue reads 98.9. I SANITIZED THE THERM BEFORE MOUTH USE LOL

Are you afraid of the old fashioned and most accurate way
Wit, am I supposed to take temp in my armpit or in my mouth? Armpit reads 100.2 right now. Under tongue reads 98.9. I SANITIZED THE THERM BEFORE MOUTH USE LOL

Depends really. If it's an oral thermometer, use it in your mouth. Rectal goes in the hiney, and multipurpose can go in the armpits. I prefer my infrared one that works on the forehead as there's no mess and it's instant.
Does clen raise body temp.. I've got my wife taking clen right now and im sure she is cool with me taking the most old fashioned accurate temp method protocol available. All for her benefit and accuracy of course ;)
Does clen raise body temp.. I've got my wife taking clen right now and im sure she is cool with me taking the most old fashioned accurate temp method protocol available. All for her benefit and accuracy of course ;)

Yes, it most certainly can. You're such a supportive and caring husband - keeping her health in mind like that. ;)
Raising body Temp. Damn, I should have used all this stuff this winter. Training in this Balls cold ass weather.