What Specifically are your Goals

Middle age crisis here gents.... my best years are behind me so I've turned to hgh and aas to turn back the clock,realizing at some point I'll be fighting a losing battle.
Until then one rep at a time
It was worth it to hail a patriot and imo a gdmf hero.

, somethings just need to be said. So, accept my apology. Or don't

Apology accepted, even though it wasn't required...

I think many just assume that this is an American forum, when in reality it's much more than that, and that's WHY it's very special.

Like I said, I have total respect for anyone who puts their life on the line for their country's cause, no matter what the country.
It was just a shame seeing a great thread being derailed.
Middle age crisis here gents.... my best years are behind me so I've turned to hgh and aas to turn back the clock,realizing at some point I'll be fighting a losing battle.
Until then one rep at a time

Keep us informed how that HGH works out for you brother - I know we'd all jump at the stuff if we had a guarantee it was the real deal!
Keep us informed how that HGH works out for you brother - I know we'd all jump at the stuff if we had a guarantee it was the real deal!

I have no doubt psl euro tropin hgh is the real deal. Maybe not pharma grade potent but in 3 months I can see the changes at 2.5iu 2x/day. If you're >40 it can sure help. The changes are subtle and not overnight but I'm excited to see what's in store as I've another 600 ui in the fridge. The tren limits my sleep but what I get is better quality, and I can function on 6 hrs/night.
To the Original Post

I currently weight 90kgs. My goal is to reach 95kgs and maintaining the same % of fat (im about 12%). Ofc I dont mean 95kgs mid cycle.

I was about 81kgs and 16% fat about a year ago, so I guess my goal is achievable.
I have no doubt psl euro tropin hgh is the real deal. Maybe not pharma grade potent but in 3 months I can see the changes at 2.5iu 2x/day. If you're >40 it can sure help. The changes are subtle and not overnight but I'm excited to see what's in store as I've another 600 ui in the fridge. The tren limits my sleep but what I get is better quality, and I can function on 6 hrs/night.

I was one of the lucky ones that got high quality Kigtropin back in the day - I pinned 4iu (5 on 2 off) for 6 months...

Results were remarkable!

I've tried UGL HGH twice since - and not even come close to the results I had with the Kigs... and I only ran them with a modest cycle too.
7% body fat, 20" arms, 28" quads.

I am at 10% body fat right now, I have 17.5" arms and I can hit 18" if I add a little carbs but ever time I'm trying to cut below 10% some horrible shit happens. This year I'm not going to lean bulk no matter what. Staying with this shit until I hit 7% bf.

I also want to be extremely flexible and be able to last more than 2.5hrs in MMA classes.
7% body fat, 20" arms, 28" quads.

I am at 10% body fat right now, I have 17.5" arms and I can hit 18" if I add a little carbs but ever time I'm trying to cut below 10% some horrible shit happens. This year I'm not going to lean bulk no matter what. Staying with this shit until I hit 7% bf.

I also want to be extremely flexible and be able to last more than 2.5hrs in MMA classes.

13% BF
52 YO
I've been training for nearly 40 years! I competed heavily in my late teens and early 20s, running 8 or so cycles during that time. I got married at 25 and have two grown sons and have been back to serious training for the last 7 years. I haven't run a cycle since my 20s but have been contemplating for the last few years - I have the competition bug again!

My goal has alway been to look like I'm a bodybuilder - love the second looks and shit I get when I'm out. In the gym, killing it at my age is tough, but I've always loved training and being able to out train younger dudes.
7% body fat, 20" arms, 28" quads.

I am at 10% body fat right now, I have 17.5" arms and I can hit 18" if I add a little carbs but ever time I'm trying to cut below 10% some horrible shit happens. This year I'm not going to lean bulk no matter what. Staying with this shit until I hit 7% bf.

I also want to be extremely flexible and be able to last more than 2.5hrs in MMA classes.

Do you actually intend on fighting or are the mma classes more of a hobby?
Thanks to all you guys who just joined the thread on the last two days. So cool to have an old competitor. Bliepy.

I hope more chime in :)
7% body fat, 20" arms, 28" quads.

I am at 10% body fat right now, I have 17.5" arms and I can hit 18" if I add a little carbs but ever time I'm trying to cut below 10% some horrible shit happens. This year I'm not going to lean bulk no matter what. Staying with this shit until I hit 7% bf.

I also want to be extremely flexible and be able to last more than 2.5hrs in MMA classes.

I found when I was fighting (only amateur) that being larger in terms of muscle mass isn't the greatest thing, what I mean is becoming to bulky for your frame starts to make it hard to be as agile... At least for me this is what happened. Maybe I didn't condition enough or something.

I will say all the best fighters I have watched in person have been a balance of big, strong, fast, agile, nimble, etc... I certainly feel like there can become a point where muscle can get in the way.

It all depends on what weight class you will be fighting in too of course, but I strongly suggest if you plan to fight at all you rethink the idea of trying to gain a ton of mass and focus more on conditioning and skill over size.

Like I said I only fought amateur though so ultimately so what ya want, I did it for more of a hobby when I was in the army as fighting on the fort hood combatives team would earn me a few extra days off work here and there lol.
no too big not too small but better to keep it steady and consistent so I can live a healthier and longer life.
I found when I was fighting (only amateur) that being larger in terms of muscle mass isn't the greatest thing, what I mean is becoming to bulky for your frame starts to make it hard to be as agile... At least for me this is what happened. Maybe I didn't condition enough or something.

I will say all the best fighters I have watched in person have been a balance of big, strong, fast, agile, nimble, etc... I certainly feel like there can become a point where muscle can get in the way.

It all depends on what weight class you will be fighting in too of course, but I strongly suggest if you plan to fight at all you rethink the idea of trying to gain a ton of mass and focus more on conditioning and skill over size.

Like I said I only fought amateur though so ultimately so what ya want, I did it for more of a hobby when I was in the army as fighting on the fort hood combatives team would earn me a few extra days off work here and there lol.

Oh Well .......


What Specifically are your Goals

I thought I would get us back on track again by re-posting the Q. But I see we have heard from the last of the interested.

Thanks for the input guys but I forget what we were talking about and so I'll ask Milton to close the thread so we can move on. But before we close.................

ANY QUESTIONS FOR GRUNTWERK ANYONE............................................
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I've never used AAS, was actually more interested in the peptids aspect of it all, but I'm looking to start competing sometime in the next two years or so. 25 and have been weight lifting for close to 8 years now. Not necessarily strong by any means; 5'10 230 lbs probably at least 15% bodyfat...always told I have huge shoulders and lats but really weak calves and traps. Sucks too because that's one of my dad's predominant body parts. Few competitive bodybuilders at my gym; haven't talked to any of em yet about competing but I"m definitely interested.