Seriously nice package OMM lol what compounds did you use back then? what a difference frim the first pic!
Great post n story gruntwerk. Thanks![]()'s for studs like you that I stand wiyh my hand over my heart for national anthem and the pledge of allegiance. Thank you for your military service, and I appreciate the freedoms that that service has provided.
I'll be 50 next year, and I can't get the thought of competing in bb show out of my mind. My 4 kids are all grown and living their lives and now it's just me and my wife of 29 years. Sometimes I work out of town and that can hamper my training unless I get a place away from home. Then I train when I m not working. I'm 5-09 255lbs around 20 % bf. I look like a powerlifter, just not that strong. 27" legs, 50" chest, 19 + arms, 36" waistline, slightly narrow shoulders. Never ever been chiseled and may have some lingering gyno from puberty as my chest has always had some fat on it. And some love handles that never seem to go away. Lately I've been working hard on bringing my lagging back up to par with everything else and bringing bf down. Running my first hgh ever(5iu/day) along with some test tren and mast.
I may have injured my meniscus a few weeks ago and an mri next week will confirm or not. Tuesday night I tried some cardio and a few light leg presses with no ill effects the next day. I really belive I'm packing enough muscle to do pretty good in a show, but time will tell as the bf comes down. Working on my diet as well, like many have said here is everybody as important as trying and aas
Thanks for the cool thread, and of course I would turn around and fight for my country again at a moments notice, I swore an oath against all enemies foreign and domestic. I will take that oath to the grave under any circumstance just like many of good man have to pave our way.
It's truly amazing to be part of a country that has a military force like we do, we aren't forced to serve anymore... folks just do it out of love for their country. Pretty awesome to think our society is full of so many selfless people willing to give the good fight. A lot of other countries aren't like this.
Thanks carverelli, means a lot.
Blows my mind why Americans would sit out the national anthem... I get it's there right to do so and that's whatever, but where's the lack of general respect for the people who gave their life to keep our country the way it is? Gave their lives building schools in Iraq, Afghanistan and delivering food there. Not everything that goes on is all about hunting bad guys, I spent many missions being a security asset for our engineers well we spent millions of dollars building them stuff like bridges or a water plant. Some folks are just naive I suppose because the national anthem is pretty much the only time an average person stops to honor the people who paid the ultimate sacrifice, there is no greater debt paid to society other then ones life. In my unit alone we lost 6 good men in Mosul... that's 6 families crushed, 6 families that want to believe their husband/father/brother died for a righteous cause.
To take a knee... wtf? you can't stand fast for 3-5 minutes and show the slightest respect? Shit burns my ass, would love to throw punch the people doing it too. Better yet, I would like to take them to a firefight in Iraq and see if there perspective changes, how they feel when they lose a brother or a leader, how they feel to be injured or shot versus their little torn muscle from sports, best most of them would seize right up and beg for me to show them the way to safety, yet they wanna sit out the national anthem.
I'm gonna end this rant as even as a combat vet I'm not super duper patriotic, the disrespect just kills me. Thanks again fellas.
Wow what true words my friend. I don't understand why we can't do anything about this fvcker. There are problem we all know. But that's not the entire country. It's like this guy and followers are saying to the vets that they don't respect you.
All you guys Carverelli, and mauriji1 with gruntwerk have said what needs to be said all over the media. There is not enough bad mouthing of these guys and what they are doing. They don't like the USA then get the fvck out.
WTF if these guys were in a different country they wouldn't have half the things they have. I wish the owners of the team had some kind of rules to stop this. Such a sad state of mind.