Taking Accuntane 80mg/day but not cycling, question on liver?


New member
So I know with Accutane is vert harsh on our livers which it's an oral too. Don't think there's a liquid. But anyway I came off a Cycle Aug 2014 and for the first time ever developed huge amount of Acne and I used an AI while on Cycle had a proper PCT but still it was so bad. I was on doxycycline 100 mg tabs which I thought was going to make it go away, well I did that for two months and nothing. Actually my doctor said it was an anti-boitic which really pissed me off. I thought it was a derivative of Accuntane but it was not. Now I am on it, fighting this acne on my back and shoulders.

So I was hoping to get back on cycle by Feb 2014 but my doc says I may have to be on this accutane for 5-6months.... fuck me.

I am hoping it goes away way sooner and be able to do a cycle of Anabol(kicker) Tren and Test Cypionate. I thought I read somewhere on these boards about being able to take Accutane on cycle but on a much smaller dosage like 20mg/day.

So am I fucked for doing my cycle depending on how long it takes for my body to react?

Decisions decisions decisions
I would avoid accutane at all costs, it can mess you up even years after stopping on a genetic level man.... look into it, and not info from the pushers... use a heavy antibiotic if anything.. IMO... IMO..
I would avoid accutane at all costs, it can mess you up even years after stopping on a genetic level man.... look into it, and not info from the pushers... use a heavy antibiotic if anything.. IMO... IMO..

I got to get rid of the Acne man, I am a grown man married and geez I got acne like I was in high school but worst. Seriously I just want to get rid of it. I guess I can wait to go back on Cycle until I come off this Acne. I just want it done with. I tried the heavy anti-boitic of 200mg/day for a month and then 100mg/day for another month and nothing happened at all. My Dermatologist prescribed me some and if he didn't I would have gone to the open market and buy it myself. I hear what your saying, I also have really oily skin. I just want to be goo rid-ins of this acne.
After I AM CLEARED I will be watching like a hawk! (E2) (AI) and using 100mg of Zinc and washing with a loofa twice a day with Oxy-clean too. Hopefully it stays a away. It's funny as I have done plenty of cycles and never gotten acne until this last go around.
Get a blood test; it's a cheap way to rule out if this is hormone related or not. Believe it or not, antibiotics are a common cure for acne as some forms of acne are bacterial infections of the skin.

Another temporary fix that may help is benadryl at night. Some acne is a histamine reaction, which may sometimes be treated with an antihistamine.

My .02c :)
Get a blood test; it's a cheap way to rule out if this is hormone related or not. Believe it or not, antibiotics are a common cure for acne as some forms of acne are bacterial infections of the skin.

Another temporary fix that may help is benadryl at night. Some acne is a histamine reaction, which may sometimes be treated with an antihistamine.

My .02c :)

thats news to me half... im gonna have to try that!!
Get a blood test; it's a cheap way to rule out if this is hormone related or not. Believe it or not, antibiotics are a common cure for acne as some forms of acne are bacterial infections of the skin.

Another temporary fix that may help is benadryl at night. Some acne is a histamine reaction, which may sometimes be treated with an antihistamine.

My .02c :)

So I got a blood test but thru my doctor since they are monitoring my liver. I saw the results and the units are different from when I go to Private Labs MD. They said my estrogen level is raised. It was ESTROGEN 147.4 pg/ml but I don't know what the range is. Also my liver is a little bit elevated. I am taking NAC hoping this may help.

Would you say it will be bad to do AAS while I am on Accutane?? I was hoping these scars would go away by the end of this month, but I got a feeling they won't and I was hoping to go back on AAS.
So I got a blood test but thru my doctor since they are monitoring my liver. I saw the results and the units are different from when I go to Private Labs MD. They said my estrogen level is raised. It was ESTROGEN 147.4 pg/ml but I don't know what the range is. Also my liver is a little bit elevated. I am taking NAC hoping this may help.

Would you say it will be bad to do AAS while I am on Accutane?? I was hoping these scars would go away by the end of this month, but I got a feeling they won't and I was hoping to go back on AAS.

Yeah, total estrogen is a toughie to figure if you're pushing it or not. NAC most certainly will help with liver enzymes, and is really great stuff imo.

I know a few guys that do use accutane while on cycle, but that's only because they haven't found any other way of eliminating it. If it were me, I'd exhaust every option first and if accutane was the only thing left - I'd probably bring out the TUDCA on top of the NAC.

Maybe someone with more experience using it on cycle can put in their two pennies. :)
If u got bad acne u gotta do accutane, nothing else works. When i was 19 it was the best decision i ever made. Anyone whos against accutane has never had bad acne.
Accutane rough on skin my country is try to ban it. Cholesterol is raised up up high. 80 mg is humongous dose bro careful you need to be

I was told by my doctor that that was a have dose. He normally prescribes more aggressive at double, 160mg. My acne is gone, but now I just want the scars to go away.
Yeah, total estrogen is a toughie to figure if you're pushing it or not. NAC most certainly will help with liver enzymes, and is really great stuff imo.

I know a few guys that do use accutane while on cycle, but that's only because they haven't found any other way of eliminating it. If it were me, I'd exhaust every option first and if accutane was the only thing left - I'd probably bring out the TUDCA on top of the NAC.

Maybe someone with more experience using it on cycle can put in their two pennies. :)

Yeah the doc said the dose I am using in only have and he prescribes stronger. He did mentioned he wanted to see how my body would react hence the lower dosage.
If u got bad acne u gotta do accutane, nothing else works. When i was 19 it was the best decision i ever made. Anyone whos against accutane has never had bad acne.

I got the acne from AAS, and I have done other cycles before but never got it this bad. Now I just have scars and I want to get them cleared up. I am just wondering IF i should hold up on my Cycle until I get the Accutane out of my system. My next Cycle is Tren E with Test C and Anabol as my kicker. The Annabol will be harsh I am sure on my liver since they are orals too.
I got the acne from AAS, and I have done other cycles before but never got it this bad. Now I just have scars and I want to get them cleared up. I am just wondering IF i should hold up on my Cycle until I get the Accutane out of my system. My next Cycle is Tren E with Test C and Anabol as my kicker. The Annabol will be harsh I am sure on my liver since they are orals too.

I don't know how much it will help with scarring. Accutane is amazing for acne though, nothing beats it. I hope you exhausted all your other options first though. You absolutely need to be monitoring your liver values - blood tests every 2 weeks. After first 6 weeks you can drop that back to testing every 4 weeks if nothing is amiss.

As Half said, TUDCA & NAC will go a long way to helping your liver.

Edit: It's entirely possible your acne will come back on future cycles. If you plan on running a low dose on cycle, you need to monitor bloods EVERY 2 weeks and be very very careful IMO. NAC & TUDCA would be an absolute necessity.
I don't know how much it will help with scarring. Accutane is amazing for acne though, nothing beats it. I hope you exhausted all your other options first though. You absolutely need to be monitoring your liver values - blood tests every 2 weeks. After first 6 weeks you can drop that back to testing every 4 weeks if nothing is amiss.

As Half said, TUDCA & NAC will go a long way to helping your liver.

Edit: It's entirely possible your acne will come back on future cycles. If you plan on running a low dose on cycle, you need to monitor bloods EVERY 2 weeks and be very very careful IMO. NAC & TUDCA would be an absolute necessity.

Okay will get some TUDCA, just saw it on Amazon and it comes in pills and powder. Any recommendations weather to use the powder or pills are good enough? If you know a good website too, to buy it let me know. Thanks.
Okay will get some TUDCA, just saw it on Amazon and it comes in pills and powder. Any recommendations weather to use the powder or pills are good enough? If you know a good website too, to buy it let me know. Thanks.

Either or, doesn't matter. RUI sell it, I would go with them over anyone else. I trust them, top quality.
I got the acne from AAS, and I have done other cycles before but never got it this bad. Now I just have scars and I want to get them cleared up. I am just wondering IF i should hold up on my Cycle until I get the Accutane out of my system. My next Cycle is Tren E with Test C and Anabol as my kicker. The Annabol will be harsh I am sure on my liver since they are orals too.
Dude if u had to do accutane to get rid of acne from a cycle...I would wait awhile before doing steroids again.
Well it's just scars, but I have been of Cycle since Aug 2014.

Accutane does absolutely nothing for scars - so don't expect anything in this regard.

For actual scars, not blemishes, the only realistic option is surgery or waiting it out to see if they fade after a few years - which they might depending on the type of scar.