Talk about injection pain... OUCH (flex wheeler)


New member
I am reading his new book "Flex Ability". Suprisingly i think it is very good and i cant put it down. I have to fight off not reading the next chapter every time i finnish one. I read one chapter before bed. Now to the point. . .

ALL OF HIS FIRST INJECTIONS WERE DECA DONE WITH A 15GUAGE!!!!!!! Talk about a pain in the ass!!! He talks all about how hard it was to do those shots, expecially the first one.
Either that was a typo (15G instead of 25G) or Flex was a total idiot. I have never seen anything bigger than 18G and I don't even know where you could get 15G. 15G is what is sometimes used for body piercings. Definitely not suitable for any kind of injection.
there'e no suh thing as a 15 gauge. usually the increments are 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, etc. I hve a lot of body piercing and I'm pretty sure the 15 gauge does not exist.
is that the same book where he says that he has a 48,000 sq. ft house? if so i can understand him saying he injected with a 15 guage needle.
as a ...

as a semi retired tattoo artist and body piercer ihave worked with 8ga and 6ga as the biggest for if this guy was trying to hang a ring from his glutes or whatever i would say i believe him.and yes there are odd gauges like 15ga. i used to pierce tongues with 13 gauge because they were smaller than 12's which is what is used for 14 gauge jewelry.the 13"s worked well to control bleeding and let the threads of the barbell slip into the needle instead of the whole thing.sorry about all that.i think to inject with anything above a 20 or 21 gauge needle would suck as i sit here looking at my 22's on my rigs versus my 16 ga piercing needles.
xtinct said:
Either that was a typo (15G instead of 25G) or Flex was a total idiot. I have never seen anything bigger than 18G and I don't even know where you could get 15G. 15G is what is sometimes used for body piercings. Definitely not suitable for any kind of injection.

I agree
they do have 15 guage(i use them every day,not on me) we use em at work,deff not for injections!
I have seen a lot of big pins at feed stores, but I have never heard of a 15 gauge. Most of them I have seen are what diverse_guy wrote.