talked to a guy that benched 445


New member
benched 445 with a shirt. I asked him if he deadlifts and he said no, and i just brushed it off. Then i asked if he squats and he said yeah 450lbs going 90 degrees(parallel).

Then he asked me how much i weigh and i said 190ish depends on the day but i ahvent weighed in a while(i am prob up on the scale which is good). He asked how much protien i get daily i said i double my weight,, he siad make that aint good cuase you can overdose on protein, which i said i heard about, but i said its rare. I dont get these ignorant people that dont belive in a set diet, squating deep and not worrieing about how much weight is on the bar, or at least pullin deads every week. This ignorant histeria about too much protein is out of control and when people tell me too many shakes arent good or too much steaks..etc. i dont even try to explain no more, i just consider them lost causes.

yes this individual may be able to not deadlift or to squat deep or eat properly, get drunk a few times a week and still bench a high number that is fine, but i dont see why what i am doing is not right (once again the ignorance about too much protein is bad)

I stick to the basics, eat sleep train hard and let results come in time.

Sorry guys just a little agrivated and needed to vent.
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How long has he been in the game? If you've been training for a long time, even with a bad routine you can make progress

Some guys are just good at bench press. I've been lifting for a little over 2 years, and I can bench 345 (315 was my max before my 1st cycle). Some guys have been lifting for 5 years and couldn't put that much weight up (and I'm sure some guys that have been lifting for as long as me can lift more). My squat and deadlift aren't as good proportionately as my bench though
First off not many guys pull every week. Thats hell on the CNS and body in general. Secondly, So what if he cant squat, so what about his poor diet. You approached him remember. The problem is you feel like you try 10x as hard and are doing worse. BUT this game is all about personal imrovement. And for the record, 445 with a shirt isnt all that impressive around my parts if you wanna generalize. I know a guy who will close grip that (more actually- true story), rep it 5 times and then go to the bar that night and get wasted.

Not trying to bash you at all, just realize that you only need compare yourself to yourself in this game. Keep eating, training and sleeping and I guarantee you'll achieve any realistic goals your set for yourself.
To me 445 raw or shirted is NOT impressive..
Do not give a shit what the other guy is benching/squatting whether he pulls or not..why are you upset about someone elses routine???

perhaps he has had an injury and can only bench???

I dont know what it is about te "bench" but as soon as someone puts up more weight than someone else all the shit talking starts...I lift in a metrosexual BB'ing gym..No one not one person squats te way i do yet people come up to me and ask me what im doing and seem to be in awe cause they never saw or briefs...

that changes very very very fast when i put on my bench shirt or im doing boards..when im doing boards i get the comments "that makes it easier right"..easier than what i tell them??? hop under the bar bang out a rep see how easy it is..but when the shirt goes on its like a side show no one approaches me to ask what its for no one wants to spot eyes roll and this si from the people that i have seen trying to bench 350 but only moving the bar 3 inches..

I am really not sure why everyone cares so muich about the bench..It is an indicator of strength when done properly but i think deads or squats are better indicators..but i guess most dont do them
im with ya dude there are always bastards like that at the gym and you cant tell them anything, you should have asked to see him bench, haha see what excuse he had, hell he might well have done it, repped it, o well im on yur side there is always the guy who tries to daddy you and steer you wrong, but if there bad habbits are slowin them down, fuck em at least those who are focused are makin more progress and gettin there quicker
yeah i compare myself to myslef , with my logs on my computer which is great. Yeah i am not taking this as a bash, thanks for the input. 445 on close grip damn! that is very impressive.

as for the doubling yuor bodyweight for protein intake, do you guys meet peoel who claim that less protein is the way to go and too much will "kill" you?

DougoeFre5h said:
First off not many guys pull every week. Thats hell on the CNS and body in general. Secondly, So what if he cant squat, so what about his poor diet. You approached him remember. The problem is you feel like you try 10x as hard and are doing worse. BUT this game is all about personal imrovement. And for the record, 445 with a shirt isnt all that impressive around my parts if you wanna generalize. I know a guy who will close grip that (more actually- true story), rep it 5 times and then go to the bar that night and get wasted.

Not trying to bash you at all, just realize that you only need compare yourself to yourself in this game. Keep eating, training and sleeping and I guarantee you'll achieve any realistic goals your set for yourself.
Protein wont kill you! Dumb thing to say. Im at about 400g/day and been for a long time now. If you aint got bad kidneys (i think its called this) from the start you wont get. IF you have then maybe it aint all that good to have a real high protein intake.
mister69 said:
as for the doubling yuor bodyweight for protein intake, do you guys meet peoel who claim that less protein is the way to go and too much will "kill" you?

i really try not to talk to anyone in my gym..i have a few that i talk with but they know not to bother me art certain times..

most people who will say dont eat so much protein are the same people lifting the same weights year after year and also look the same year after year and lack the discipline to sit down and actually figure out how much protein they are eating
mister69 said:
benched 445 with a shirt. I asked him if he deadlifts and he said no, and i just brushed it off. Then i asked if he squats and he said yeah 450lbs going 90 degrees(parallel).

Then he asked me how much i weigh and i said 190ish depends on the day but i ahvent weighed in a while(i am prob up on the scale which is good). He asked how much protien i get daily i said i double my weight,, he siad make that aint good cuase you can overdose on protein, which i said i heard about, but i said its rare. I dont get these ignorant people that dont belive in a set diet, squating deep and not worrieing about how much weight is on the bar, or at least pullin deads every week. This ignorant histeria about too much protein is out of control and when people tell me too many shakes arent good or too much steaks..etc. i dont even try to explain no more, i just consider them lost causes.

yes this individual may be able to not deadlift or to squat deep or eat properly, get drunk a few times a week and still bench a high number that is fine, but i dont see why what i am doing is not right (once again the ignorance about too much protein is bad)

I stick to the basics, eat sleep train hard and let results come in time.

Sorry guys just a little agrivated and needed to vent.

Yeah sure. Come on here and talk shit about me like i wouldnt find out. You seemed to be real interested in what i was saying while you were asking me what a skull crusher is, and how to properly do a dumbell curl.
I sat there and took my time to explain to you that Winstrol (winny) wont get you cut, then you come in here and talk sit.

Well just to set the record str8. The reason i told you to ease up on the protein intake wasnt because i was afraid of you dieing. I actually felt bad about the way you would get spray farts and mess yourself eveerytime you went to go and dead. It was really sad seeing you come in day in and day out, in your pin striped wrestling body suit, trying to pull 135lb of the floor. Everyone would laugh and point as you moaned and groaned, and eventually left skid marks in your drawers.

Its cool though. Keep going about your business, Mr. 180lb-er. One day maybe you will be sqauting what i am curling.
jj i think all that water mellon is getting to your head finally. and where the fuck is that training log? do you even train?
blackbeard said:
To me 445 raw or shirted is NOT impressive..

Yeah, way back in the day heck yeah I would have been like WOW. But I lift weights now :laugh4:

I put up 425 raw before and may have been good for 5 or 10 more, not natural however. I dont pull but once in awhile honestly, but I do love GMs.
DougoeFre5h said:
Not trying to bash you at all, just realize that you only need compare yourself to yourself in this game. Keep eating, training and sleeping and I guarantee you'll achieve any realistic goals your set for yourself.

Agreed. Gene Rychlak Jr is benching 1005, boohoo, I'm just going to quit now. Dont get frustrated over someone elses progress, they most likely have been working longer and smarter than you have.

So GET TO WORK! Dont compare yourself to others unless it motivates you in a positive way. Frustration is for quitters and whiners.

Every once in awhile I see guys bigger than me, thats motivation! I think its badass that people CAN do it. That drives me, it doesn't piss me off. I can't change my genetics, so why get pissed about it? Just work with what you have.
agreed, it helped me in the gym today :)

thanks for the input though guys, i appreciate it.

i am in no way ready to quit, i dont know what quit is . I have been getting stronger on the program that pullinbig has me on and i just cant wait for each session.

Mudge said:
Agreed. Gene Rychlak Jr is benching 1005, boohoo, I'm just going to quit now. Dont get frustrated over someone elses progress, they most likely have been working longer and smarter than you have.

So GET TO WORK! Dont compare yourself to others unless it motivates you in a positive way. Frustration is for quitters and whiners.

Every once in awhile I see guys bigger than me, thats motivation! I think its badass that people CAN do it. That drives me, it doesn't piss me off. I can't change my genetics, so why get pissed about it? Just work with what you have.
Being the assfuck that he was if he said to me 445, I would have came back with, "yea that is my 3rd warm up set then I start getting into adding some real weight"...
A guy in my gym is 6'1 235 natural and benching 480. He eats alot of protein and happens to be an nurse practioner. He deadlifts 600lbs and squats around 575. The guy you were talking to is a moron. This guy takes in 350g protein a day and does just fine. Gotta love it when cocky guys like you are describing try and advise you hehe. This is without a shirt. He was box benching 520 the other day, damn i like to see the bar bend like that...
pullinbig said:
jj i think all that water mellon is getting to your head finally. and where the fuck is that training log? do you even train?

lol. Of course i train. Ok, i will post up my training log for you riht now.
Mudge said:

Every once in awhile I see guys bigger than me, thats motivation! I think its badass that people CAN do it. That drives me, it doesn't piss me off. I can't change my genetics, so why get pissed about it? Just work with what you have.

Exactly! Itm pissed cause where i live here outside of baltimore ijn the hills im the biggest dude in the gym pullin the most weight. I wish I had a heavy hitter to look up too someone who could break 7 or 8 off the floor where im only breakin 6 at 256lbs. Bigger dudes should motivate you. But hot blonde box helps me push put that extra rep.