tanning and bacne

i find "dial" to be effective. It is cheap, and drys the skin which some of us oily people need.
what is dial

and also do you use a maintainance dose of accutane whilst on cycle aczech?and have you tried b5?
dial is just a cheap brand name

b5...no, but i've seen others log this without results...and taking grams a day.

As for accutane while on cycle...i personally do not. It is very bad on a liver and even though I don't run orals...some substances can affect the liver. I will wait until off cycle and after post cycle therapy (pct) to do another round while running some peptides. Accutane gave me a terrible headache that started on day three and lasted until I got off. It's a wicked drug
apparently running accutane with peptides increases your chances of develpoeing pressure in the brain

that maybe what the headaches were.

i was going to do the same thing but when i read up on it i came across some info about intercranial hypertension

apparently accutane can cause it and so can GH/IGF

So i figured the combo of both would not be a good choice...

how much accutane do you use?
i wasn't using any peptides last time but will be very leary now of doing this in the future. I was only running a minimal 20mg a day dose.
im cuurently on 110mg at the end of a 10 month accutane cycle(went from 40mg)

have you ever completed a full course of accutane or do you just use enough to clear up after a cycle?
I took accutane in the late 90's for nodular-acne that I acquired in my late teens and early twenties... The dermatologist told me that it was the best. I took a moderate dosage for 6 months. During that period, I had to visit the doctor every month for blood-tests, try to stay out of the sun as much as possible, and run through a tube of lip-balm a week... because the stuff will completely dry you out from head to toe. There is nothing glamorous about Accutane - it works wonders, but it sucks while you are on it. It made me really depressed too... In fact, a year or two after I got off of Accutane, I heard about some law-suits of kids committing suicide and their parents blaming the Glaxo... I was never suicidal, but I did not want to go out in public for the first 3 or 4 months on the stuff.

If Accutane is your last resort, then by all means use it... Try other avenues if possible. It's not like taking a vitamin, so be smart about it.
mabusincarnate said:
i started a 500mg/week test e cycle a week ago. i'm already starting to feel a few pimples starting to form.

does tanning help minimize pimples, along with the standard washing and creams?

it's summer time and i want to be able to take my shirt off without people knowing why i have bigger muscles than they do.

Tanning works great. Make sure you take a shower before you go so your skin is dry and don't use any tanning lotions. That shit makes it even worse.
I found that tanning helps alot man. Go every 2nd or 3rd day. You never want to over do it. Also, another product I use all the time that helps me with my acne even when Im not tanning is "Spectro Gell". Go to your local drug store man. This stuff works very good, and no "scented perfumes" in it so it will not irritate the skin. Its good for all types of skin, and used to remove dirt and bacteria on your face.

Good luck...