taurine/cramps go bye bye

You had posted about the really nasty leg cramps right?

Taurine rocks! 2g's a day did it for me. I can't get that link to load. Can you post a summary of what it said?
Getting a handle on leg cramps

yeah i am the guy, recently, that posted about leg cramps
my legs still sore and hard to bend .....now 4days after the
sartoriuos spasms.
I took a ton of creatine + taurine mix
I will get the taurine alone.
This morning reading that creatine will act
a little like a diuretic concerned me cause that could
cause more dehydration and then cramps. That's why, i think
they add the taurine to this mix, that i bought from the local super.
Also took magnesium potassium lots of water and gatoraide.

yesterday after a quadricep leg work out,
i had lots of twinges in the sartorious in one leg but
finally next morning I was ok and NO SPASMS OVERNIGHT.... YEAH.!

THe link was done with netscape, that might be the problem
netscape i like because it is easier to clean and get rid of trails, passwords etc. also no popups.
Here it is in Explorer

If not you can do a yahoo search on taurine and it is one of the top three hits.
Cool. I still ended up with a cramp today. The worst fucking ab cramp-up I've ever had. I was in the locker room after a BRUTAL :D leg workout and I went to stand up. My top two rows went full cramp and I doubled over. Took about 5 minutes to get straight again and they hurt like hell right now. I can see my abs through 16% BF and I haven't done crunches in months. Gotta love heavy squats (and deads on back day)!!
my bad

Bimmer , i don't know where i got that weird
idea but your right, creatine pulls in water.

MAN!! Thorsky that sucks ...another cramp
you got to drink water like a fish and get more sleep ,..no? How about some creatine?

When your doing heavy squats, your abs
are used to hold everything together.
I think you need to put your belt up higher to
support your abs as you go down in the squat...no?
When your abs heal, maybe do some lying leg raises, where your abs get a good stretch.

i will have a six pack abs one day
right now it's just a keg :)
More water and more sleep is always a good thing. I drink about 6 liters a day now but at 270 (back up 5lbs :D) I could probably do more. I love squats and deads simply for the fact that I never have to work my abs. I have better abs than a lot of the guys that do endless crunches. Good shit... As far as a belt goes...never worn one and never will unless the need arises. If I can't pull or push it without a belt, I need to build my core strength more before hitting that weight. Almost at a 400lb squat so it's working for me.

I think your right on the stretching. By the end of my workout today, my legs were so shot I was shaking like a jackhammer just standing there. LOVE THAT FEELING!!! I think my abs just got a crazy workout and I used them too much to stand up. We'll see how they feel tomorrow. BTW, the cramps may have a bit to do with the prop/tren/winny I'm running...lol. ;)

Good luck with the legs bro. If the taurine does it you should let your doc know. Many of them don't have enough time to research stuff like that and it could help others with similar porblems.