Tbol, Test Enanthate & EQ Stack


New member
Hey guys,

Running my 3rd cycle and just want to run it past the pros before commencing.

25 years
200 pounds
15% bf
Training for 10 years, serious for 4
3rd cycle (1st was sus and dbol, 2nd prop and tren a)

Goal is to get down to 10 percent bf, dry and vascular and gain another 14 pounds?

40mg Turanabol (week 1 - 4)
600mg Test Enanthate (week 1 - 12)
500mg Equipose (week 1 - 10)
50mg RWR Stanazolol (week 10 - 12)

.5mg Arimidex EOD
Nolva 20 20 20 20
Clomid 50 50 50 50

just want to hear any suggestions the pros have around here about this cycle.

I am mainly wondering about administration throughout the cycle? Have read for stable blood levels best to jab every 4 days with test e and EQ? Am I best doing it this way or going every 7 days? If I am doing it every 4 days I will be loading 250mg test e and 250 EQ? If not double that every 7 days??

Your feedback is much appreciated brahs!!
Fairly solid cycle bro. Pin as follows ...

Test E. 300mg/Sun & Thur.
EQ 250mg/Mon & Wed.

This is assuming your test is 300mg/ml and EQ is 250mg/ml.... For a simple 1cc inject 4 times a week. And I would advise against the Winstrol at all. Post per ml doses for a more accurate assessment
Don't do 1 pin a week. For one that's a huge amount of liquid at once. Secondly yes blood levels will fluctuate too much.
Fairly solid cycle bro. Pin as follows ...

Test E. 300mg/Sun & Thur.
EQ 250mg/Mon & Wed.

This is assuming your test is 300mg/ml and EQ is 250mg/ml.... For a simple 1cc inject 4 times a week. And I would advise against the Winstrol at all. Post per ml doses for a more accurate assessment

Thanks for your input bro!

Sorry I got mgs wrong
Test e - 250mg
EQ - 250
Nothing wrong with the cycle other than being pretty short for the compounds you are using (EQ) but your goal is way off. You want to drop 5% BF and gain 14 pounds at the same time. Going from 15 to 10% is a pretty major cut and I can guarantee your not going to gain 14 lbs while doing this. Set a realistic goal, cut or bulk pick one. That way you will not be disappointed.
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running EQ for only 10 weeks would be a waste. you really start to enjoy it around week 6 or 7. I wouldn't run it less than 12 weeks but 14 is optimal. pin 2x's a week and pin both together. why would you pin 4 times when you could pin 2x's a week. drop the winstrol also. winstrol is not worth the horrible sides unless your stepping on stage. pick bulk or cut and stick to I the whole cycle. if I was wanting to cut up I would run var the last 6 weeks. you need to get bloods every 4-6 weeks on EQ. I wouldn't run EQ if you don't plan on monitoring your HCT and RBC. evry thing else looks good.
I've never tried EQ But I've seen many people questioning it's potency..
Beside elevating your hematocrit to a dangerous levels , there is no added value to EQ "they say"
If u make up your mind and decide to run it, donate blood and watch ur blood levels all the time.
running EQ for only 10 weeks would be a waste. you really start to enjoy it around week 6 or 7. I wouldn't run it less than 12 weeks but 14 is optimal. pin 2x's a week and pin both together. why would you pin 4 times when you could pin 2x's a week. drop the winstrol also. winstrol is not worth the horrible sides unless your stepping on stage. pick bulk or cut and stick to I the whole cycle. if I was wanting to cut up I would run var the last 6 weeks. you need to get bloods every 4-6 weeks on EQ. I wouldn't run EQ if you don't plan on monitoring your HCT and RBC. evry thing else looks good.

Thanks mate will take your advice. So pinning every 4 days is ok? 1 mil of each per pin?
Sorry to jump on this thread, but I have a question related to these compounds...

I'm continuing with my TRT dose of Test (1000mg/4ml) Test Undecanoate every 4 weeks which equates to 250mg weekly.
I've been running 700mg Equipoise per week split into 2 x 350mg injections - I am on week 5 of this.

I would like to start a Tren Ace cycle and run it alongside the above compounds... this would be my first Tren cycle.

How long would you advise me to run the Tren Ace for?
What dosages should I introduce the Tren at?
Would I pin Tren the same days or different days to the Eq?
What ancillary compounds do I need to get beforehand to cover any sides?

Thanks in advance...

Tren ace would need to be injected every 2 days, I would start at 100mgs EOD. Run it 8-10 weeks or until your body tells you to stop, buy enough for 12-14 weeks imo that way if you want to up it you have extra to play with.
Ancillaries would be standard AI (arimidex or aromasin) and caber or prami on hand, I prefer to run the caber at 0.5 mgs twice a week instead of just having it on hand but its a personal choice.
Sorry to jump on this thread, but I have a question related to these compounds...

I'm continuing with my TRT dose of Test (1000mg/4ml) Test Undecanoate every 4 weeks which equates to 250mg weekly.
I've been running 700mg Equipoise per week split into 2 x 350mg injections - I am on week 5 of this.

I would like to start a Tren Ace cycle and run it alongside the above compounds... this would be my first Tren cycle.

How long would you advise me to run the Tren Ace for?
What dosages should I introduce the Tren at?
Would I pin Tren the same days or different days to the Eq?
What ancillary compounds do I need to get beforehand to cover any sides?

Thanks in advance...


Tren ace - eod pins
Prami is my anicillary of choice.
Have you gotten hematacrit checked trt + eq = high hem for sure, look into it please
hi new to this can any one help, done test400 twice, deca and 1rip before, 5"10", 23yrs old, 192lbs

bulking but wanting to stay lean as poss, train mon-fri
Clean bulking diet, 6meals a day, Cheat meal wed&sun, taking Milk thistle/liv52/flax seed everyday

1-5. Dbol 30mg a day
1-15. Arimidex- every other day
1-14. Tren E 200mg 1.5ml- twice a week Mon a.m/Thrus p.m.
1-15. Test 400mg 0.5ml- twice a week Mon a.m/Thrus p.m.
1-15. Equipoise 300g 1ml- twice a weekMon a.m/Thurs p.m
9-15. Winstrol 40mg a day
2-15 HCG 250iu- twice a week Mon morning/Thrus night
17-21 Clomid- 100/100/50/50
17-21 Nolvadex- 40/40/20/20

when should i use hcg, clomid and nolvadex? do i have it right
any advice would be great
thanks sorry for stealing the thread
Hey guys,

Running my 3rd cycle and just want to run it past the pros before commencing.

25 years
200 pounds
15% bf
Training for 10 years, serious for 4
3rd cycle (1st was sus and dbol, 2nd prop and tren a)

Goal is to get down to 10 percent bf, dry and vascular and gain another 14 pounds?

40mg Turanabol (week 1 - 4)
600mg Test Enanthate (week 1 - 12)
500mg Equipose (week 1 - 10)
50mg RWR Stanazolol (week 10 - 12)

.5mg Arimidex EOD
Nolva 20 20 20 20
Clomid 50 50 50 50

just want to hear any suggestions the pros have around here about this cycle.

I am mainly wondering about administration throughout the cycle? Have read for stable blood levels best to jab every 4 days with test e and EQ? Am I best doing it this way or going every 7 days? If I am doing it every 4 days I will be loading 250mg test e and 250 EQ? If not double that every 7 days??

Your feedback is much appreciated brahs!!

looks good bro but I would either try to get more eq, or lower it slightly to make it last longer.
unless your competing, drop the stanazolol from the cycle. it will just dry you out and lead to injury. even if you're competing, your running it too long as listed in your plan.
my 2cnts.