Hey guys,
Running my 3rd cycle and just want to run it past the pros before commencing.
25 years
200 pounds
15% bf
Training for 10 years, serious for 4
3rd cycle (1st was sus and dbol, 2nd prop and tren a)
Goal is to get down to 10 percent bf, dry and vascular and gain another 14 pounds?
40mg Turanabol (week 1 - 4)
600mg Test Enanthate (week 1 - 12)
500mg Equipose (week 1 - 10)
50mg RWR Stanazolol (week 10 - 12)
.5mg Arimidex EOD
Nolva 20 20 20 20
Clomid 50 50 50 50
just want to hear any suggestions the pros have around here about this cycle.
I am mainly wondering about administration throughout the cycle? Have read for stable blood levels best to jab every 4 days with test e and EQ? Am I best doing it this way or going every 7 days? If I am doing it every 4 days I will be loading 250mg test e and 250 EQ? If not double that every 7 days??
Your feedback is much appreciated brahs!!
Running my 3rd cycle and just want to run it past the pros before commencing.
25 years
200 pounds
15% bf
Training for 10 years, serious for 4
3rd cycle (1st was sus and dbol, 2nd prop and tren a)
Goal is to get down to 10 percent bf, dry and vascular and gain another 14 pounds?
40mg Turanabol (week 1 - 4)
600mg Test Enanthate (week 1 - 12)
500mg Equipose (week 1 - 10)
50mg RWR Stanazolol (week 10 - 12)
.5mg Arimidex EOD
Nolva 20 20 20 20
Clomid 50 50 50 50
just want to hear any suggestions the pros have around here about this cycle.
I am mainly wondering about administration throughout the cycle? Have read for stable blood levels best to jab every 4 days with test e and EQ? Am I best doing it this way or going every 7 days? If I am doing it every 4 days I will be loading 250mg test e and 250 EQ? If not double that every 7 days??
Your feedback is much appreciated brahs!!