TBol, Tren, Cyp getting jacked


Highley Evolved
looking into my next cycle after a few months break from my current cycle. gonna run blood work here shortly and run more blood around March. im spit balling a cycle let me know what you think so far

1-4 weeks 40, 40, 60, 60, 60
Turanabol 10mg tabs

1-12 weeks 700mg QW
Cypionate (200mg 10ml vial)
Pin 1.75cc Tue & Thurs

1-10 weeks 400mg QW
Trenbolone Enanthate (200mg 10ml vial)
Pin .65 Mon, Tue & Wed

1-12 weeks 60mg QW
Aromasin 20mg EOD

1-12 weeks 375 iu QW
Hcg 5000 iu amp
Pin 5ml EOD


14-21 weeks 20mg QD
Tamoxifen 10mg tabs

14-15 week 100mg QD
16-17 week 100mg QD
18-19 week 50mg QD
20-21 week 50mg QD
Clomid 10mg tabs

I'm thinking of turning down the Test maybe to the 500 range. im not sure yet. I ran 700 on my last cycle and it seemed to get great gains with few sides. I've just never ran TREN before so let me know what you think.
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run the oral weeks 4-8 or even 6-10

they work alot better when the other steroids have already kicked in
run the oral weeks 4-8 or even 6-10

they work alot better when the other steroids have already kicked in

the purpose of doing it in the beginning is to preload before any of the other drugs kick in. The idea is that when the cycle starts it "starts".