Tell me what you guys think!


New member
5'5 180..... been focusing on shoulders and I want to fix my back routine. Any advice?

Here are some pics. Working on cleaning my diet. Had surgery so I've been out a couple weeks.
looking good broly...what are you stats/age/cycle history etc....

few things i noticed... chest could be a little better, mainly upper chest...i'd go with incline db flys for that...

as far as back goes...if you want to thicken it, def throw some deads into your routine if your not already. maybe some heavy bent over rows and any other compound movements...other than that looking good.
Youre working w/a good base bro! You have an athletic build, almost a mid weight mma fighters body. Just depends on what your striving for... what are your goals??
Stats/Cycle info...

I want to get to 200... I want to get my chest to look better and my back.

I'm 27 5'5 weighed myself yesterday at the gym at 175. I'm not cycling on anything right now, but have done some in the past.

I've been doing deadlifts and rows. I'm going to add some incline dumb flies to my chest routine. What do you guys do for your chest routine? I've been doing DB Inlince bench presses, bench presses and cable flies, have I been neglecting the upper chest?